Chapter 13

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The next morning Dr Bailey enters the room at around 7 am Wanda is still asleep, Bailey tries not to wake up Wanda but it doesn't work

Wanda: hi Dr Bailey is everything ok

Dr bailey: yes just checking her blood levels there's a shower in with room you can use it if you'd like

wanda: thank you dr bailey

Dr bailey: you're very welcome


dr bailey left the room and i stood up to go to the bathroom After 5 minutes in the bathroom y/n's machine went crazy and nurses and doctors came in calling a code blue. i left the bathroom and dr bailey took me out of the room and told me to wait outside before she went back in. i started to pace the floor until i bumped into someone

wanda: omg I'm so sorry

??: it's ok I'm dr grey but everyone calls me Meredith, are you ok

wanda: no not really my girlfriend is in a coma and she's got a code blue one of the doctors said

dr grey: ok say no more follow me

wanda: why

dr grey: trust me

wanda: ok

i follow dr grey to a supply cupboard

dr grey: you can let all your emotions go in this room

wanda: do you bring everyone here

dr grey: only ones who really need it

wanda: thank you dr grey

dr grey faces the door while i scream and cry my eyes out for a full 10 minutes

dr grey: ok that's enough dry those eyes and be strong for your girlfriend

i wipe my eyes and both me and dr grey leave the cupboard and head back to y/n's room as we get closer we see dr bailey waiting for me

wanda: is she ok

dr bailey: shes stable but still not awake

Wanda: do you know what caused it

Dr Bailey: could be like a bad dream or memory

Dr Grey: did y/n have a bad childhood

Wanda: i only met her in 2015 and we've been together for 4 months. But her birth father never loved her, and he used to hit her if she didn't do anything as she was told also, she had to walk to school by herself and everything, but he's changed now he's trying to be better for his other daughter.

dr grey: i get that my mother did the same with me but when she died, she came to me and apologised to me

wanda: would it be ok for me to stay until she wakes

dr bailey: yeah, that should be ok

dr grey: i'll talk to derek as hes the chief

Dr bailey: and her husband

Wanda: before all this happened i wanted to propose to y/n

Dr grey: hopefully she wakes up soon then so you can ask her, and fingers crossed she says yes

Wanda: thank you both

I walk back into y/n room and sit beside her holding her hand and talking to her

Wanda: my love you got me so scared you can't die on me if you did i wouldn't know what to do your my everything my one and only, I love you y/n, please don't leave me, come back to me.

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now