Chapter 9

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*y/n povs*

I get out of bed to check the time, it's roughy around 3am i go into the bathroom to get freshened up a little bit from last night, quite surprised i can walk right now but, i love wanda so much even though when we head back i would like her to help control my powers that hydra gave me, i didnt ask for them but they gave them to me it takes the piss it really does, but i hope bucky is doing ok and Steve and nat obviously i would also say my dad but i don't care about him anymore i guess that was one good thing about hydra it was punching my dad, that was fun. I went to the bathroom to have a pee and got back into bed as i dont think me and wanda are going out today as we are both very tired.
i spoon wanda as soon as i got comfy so make her and me feel safe and headed back to sleep.

3 hours later wanda wakes up trying not to wake me up but it doesn't work

Y/n: *half asleep* baby you ok

Wanda: yeah im good love just need a pee, go back to sleep I'll be there in a min

Y/n: *half asleep* ok love

I fall back to sleep and 5 minutes later wanda came back too, i hold her again and i think i felt her smile when i held her close to me, now i could fully sleep knowing wanda is safe in my arms

5 hours later, me and wanda finally wake up around 11am after having a good 8 hours sleep we felt refreshed but had no idea what to do

Wanda: so my love what you wanna do today after we are fully awake

Y/n: i don't mind but should we have a chill day

Wanda: yeah i think we should and we can order room service anything you want

Y/n: really wands

Wanda: yeah of cause, cause you dad didnt treat you like a princess, I'm going to treat you like the queen you are and im not taking no for an answer

Y/n: i love you so much wanda

Wanda: i love you more than you know y/n

2 hours later we finished watching a movie on Netflix and got a little hungry, so me and wanda decided to order room service, we pretty much got a load as we were having the whole day in the hotel room.

Wanda: so my love you having a good holiday

Y/n: yes wands i am, im living my best life with you and i want to spend it with only you

Wanda: and i want to spend the rest of my life with you, and only you

Y/n: can i ask you something wands

Wanda: yeah ofc what's up my love

Y/n: when my own father arrested me. Why did steve come to save me

Wanda: cause he loves you y/n, i know you treat bucky like a brother but i think steve treats you like his daughter more than tony does

Y/n: do you think steve would want me to become his daughter

Wanda: i don't know love maybe he might, but when you were gone for 3 months i didnt leave my room, i didnt or couldnt lose you again pietro was trying to help me but it didnt work, until steve came into my room and told me to go to the kitchen and then you know what happened

Y/n: I'm sorry for everything i did wands

Wanda: hey, no sadness on our holidays, plus if it's anyone's fault it's tonys, oh i forgot to tell you bucky is in wakanda to get hydra out of his mind forever, we can do that for you if you want to love

Y/n: im good babe, hydra isnt in my mind anymore. They are gone but i did have another thing to ask you if it's ok

Wanda: yeah ofc baby

Y/n: you saw my hands glowing and 3 months ago when i heard you speak in your mind, and i was wondering if you could teach me how to control my powers so they dont get out of control again

Wanda: i would love to teach you my love

After all the talk our room service appears and wanda gets out of bed to open the door to get the food and drinks and got back into bed. We watched movies all day it was really fun the time is now roughly 9pm the day went so fast i couldnt believe how fast it went

Wanda: babe I'm going for a shower

Y/n: without me

Wanda: come on then princess, there's plenty of room for you in here to

Y/n: goody

I got out of our bed and headed to the bathroom where wanda was already undressed waiting for me

Y/n: woah i swear wands you get more beautiful everytime i see you

Wanda: oh stop, your more beautiful than me

Y/n: are you kidding babe, you fucking stunning, now are we going of this shower or...

Wanda: fuck yeah we are

Me and wanda head in the shower

(Writer: i bet you can imagine what happened)

30 minutes later we came out and dried each other and realised the time was only 9:30pm it's too early to go to bed

Y/n: baby wanna watch one more movie or go to sleep

Wanda: probably one more movie then go to sleep

Y/n: ok honey what you wanna watch

Wanda: urm probably Harry Potter as they are amazing

Y/n: omg yess i personal love hermione granger

Wanda: i love this is going to sound weird but i love mcgonagal

Y/n: so wands moment of truth what hogwarts house you in

Wanda: gryffindor baby


Wanda: what you in honey

Y/n: gryffindor too wands

Wanda: we are made for each other

Y/n: should i get it on Apple TV

Wanda: yeah we might have to buy it though

Y/n: ive already bought it on there, I watched them when i was trapped in my room

Wanda: I've only seen them once

Y/n: I've watched them so many times ive lost count

I load up Apple TV and searched up Harry Potter and played the first one, within an hour of it wanda fell asleep , i turned off the tv and tucked wanda in, she looks so cute sleeping. I turned on my right side so i could spoon wanda and make her and myself feel safe and fell asleep 5 minutes later.

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now