chapter 22

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4 hours later the team approaches Wakanda with bucky is piloting the quinjet and everyone is holding on of there lives

bucky: Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0. I hope you're right about this, steve. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to.

The Quinjet passes through a force field into Wakanda

Okoye: *Walking with T'Challa and a band of the King's Guard* When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world...This is not what I imagined.

T'Challa: And what did you imagine?

Okoye: The Olympics. Maybe even a Starbucks.

(The occupants of the Quinjet descend the ramp)

Bruce: (To y/n who is holding wanda's hand) Should we bow?

y/n: I mean, Yeah, he's a king.

Steve: Seems like I'm always thanking you for something. (Shaking hands with T'Challa)

(Bruce bows in front of him)

y/n: What are you doing, bruce I was joking

T'Challa: Uh, we don't do that here. (He dissuades with a motion of his hand) So how big of an assault can we expect?

(The group begins to walk back the way it come to greet the guests)

wanda: Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault.

Steve: How we looking?

T'Challa: You will have my King's Guard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and... more, there will be plenty of people to protect y/n don't you worry, why don't you take her inside so my sister can see how we can save her

Steve: wanda want to take her in

Wanda: gladly steve

*wanda's pov*

Me and y/n head into the huge building to find, the kings sister but the place was huge we ended up getting a little lost. we eventually found where we needed to go, but y/n stopped before entering the room

wanda: my love, are you ok

Y/n; im scared, I don't want to die, I want to stay with you, im sorry wands for everything I have done to you, if I would've known I might have to die. I never would've left you, we could've been married right now

Wanda: no don't do this to yourself, my love. you didn't know this was going to happen. when this is all over we will get married and live our lives together, and maybe think about kids

y/n: I would love that darling, I could see little wanda's running around

Wanda: or little y/n's running around, i will do anything to keep you alive my love so we can make our dreams come true

y/n: i love you so much wanda

wanda: i love you too baby now lets head in and save your life

y/n: one second i need to do something before i go in

y/n pulls me into a passionate kiss which lasts for minutes but it felt like hours before we both let go and walked into the room to save y/n's life

wanda: got told you can help y/n

???: yes we will try everything, my name is shuri to let you know

y/n: can you really save me

shuri: like i said i will try everything

wanda: thank you shuri

shuri: don't thank me yet, not until we find a cure to save you

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now