chapter 21

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after y/n was taken by ebony maw, Steve, Nat, Wanda and Bucky went back into the compound to see an unfamiliar face

Steve: who are you

??: right im sorry im steven, steven strange, but you can call me dr strange

wanda: why are you here

Dr strange: y/n was taken wasn't she

Wanda: how do you know about y/n

Dr strange: ive seen her in different timelines, and you must be wanda maximoff

Wanda: yeah how do you know who I am

Dr strange: like i said ive seen different timelines and y/n loves you in all of them

Wanda: in all of them *starts tearing up*

Dr strange: yes, every single one of them

Steve: I can see this is a cute moment but we need to save my daughter

Dr strange: Captain America, do you want to you what you are like with y/n in different universes

Steve; I do but not this minute, why did they take y/n

Dr strange: y/n is one of the infinity stones

Bucky: how is that possible

Dr strange: well im not actually sure but it happens around the year 2016

Nat: that was when y/n got taken to hydra

Bucky: loki's sceptre gave her powers and they are extreme powers

Dr strange: what kind of powers

Wanda: a little like mine but also if she gets really angry a big light swarms around her killing her enemies around her

Dr strange: that's not good

Steve: what does that mean

Dr strange: well basically it means y/n might have to die for thanos to get what he needs

Wanda: no there has be another way, im not losing her anymore Dr strange I cant

Dr strange: I have seen how much you have both been through, but that's the only way im sorry

Steve: I don't believe that, you said you've seen different universes of y/n there has to be a different way

Dr strange: maybe theres one but it would involve going to where y/n is

Nat: and where is y/n

Dr strange: space

Bucky: you mean space, space

Dr strange: the one and only

Wanda: im going

Dr strange: ok so one more person can go if they want to

Bucky: steve would you want to go

Steve; I would but I think youd be better for this buck

Bucky: thank you steve

Wanda: we will bring her home steve

Nat: stay safe the both of you

Dr strange: I will protect them

Steve: they don't need protecting

Wanda, Bucky both hugged nat and steve whilst Dr strange opened a portal to thanos ship

*writer: if you've seen infinity war then you know why I added this scene just to add the funny scene from the movie :)*

The guardians lands in KNOWHERE, in search of THANOS

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now