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Before I begin this chapter, I just want to give everyone a heads up that it sadly is the last. I've spent the last 3 years writing this book and I just felt that it needed to have an ending soon. I love every one of you for reading and supporting this crazy piece of work. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it. ~D

4 years later

White lace flowed against the ground as I took slow steps. My eyes, already sore with the tears I allowed to spill from them, scanned my surroundings.

The eyes of my dearest friends followed my every move as my feet, and the man beside me, continued to move me forward.

I looked to my side at Tommy who looked down with the goofiest smile on his face.

He leaned down to the level of my ear. I continued looking forward, careful to not trip over my own feet which was a huge possibility with how shaky I was. His nose ring tickled my cheek but his words made me smile harder than ever. "You're going to make the best wife Charlie."

I looked up to him with a huge grin until we had to part and I was given over to the man who had been the reason for these butterflies fluttering inside of me.

I nervously looked up into the green orbs I had longed to see. It amazed me that after all this time, he had never failed to make me feel this way. Nervous, but at home.

Before I realized, my hands were in his. His thumbs rubbed circles on the tops of mine and his hold on them tightened slightly.

"Hi." He whispered down to me with a soothing smile. He could tell my nerves were being worked. He always knew how to tell when I was stressed.


I couldn't contain the smile that over took my features as I stared at him. He looked so perfect in the tuxedo that he wore. His tan skin was smooth as ever and his black hair that had grown so much over these years laid flatter instead of hair sprayed and teased like he used to do so much. He just looked perfect.

His olive green eyes looked into mine with such love and comfort that it made me start tearing up more than before. His hands continued rubbing soft circles on mine which caused me to melt all over again.

I was too focused on the man in front of me that I hadn't realized the priest beside us that had began talking until I saw everyone start taking their seats.

"Welcome Friends, Family, and loved ones. We are gathered here today in the sight of God and of each other as witnesses to celebrate the marriage of Nikki and Charlie," he paused to gesture to us both.

"We are here today not only to join watching Nikki and Charlie in marriage but to also share one of the most important events in their lives with them. I'm sure most of you will share laughs, others will cry,"

At that, everyone shared a chuckle.

"But most importantly we will cherish this moment between the lovers."

"To begin our ceremony, Nikki and Charlie have both written vowels that they would like to share to each other. Nikki,"  He gestures to Nikki with a nod, taking a step back.

Nikki took a step closer while letting go of one of my hands to shakily pull a paper from his back pocket. He stood up straight and stared deeply into my eyes that he seemed to admire so much.

"Charlie, you're my best friend. And after all these years, I still come to find that you always will be. These years haven't been so easy and we all know that," he paused to look at everyone seated "but, they have been worth it. I still remember the first day I laid my eyes on you. It wasn't the best introduction," he paused to share a laugh with the band and me as we all remember how he stormed off after calling me a "bitch". "And I'm still so sorry about that, but it was the day my life changed forever." I smiled harder than I thought I could. "From our first kiss on the beach, to walking you home in the rain, to you helping me through the roughest times in my life, these moments are what I wouldn't trade for anything and I'm so glad it was you I got to experience them all with and I'm so thankful you decided to stick beside me through it all. I look forward to our life together, as a family," he glanced down to my baby bump, "I love you both."

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