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Charlie's p.o.v

I breathed out and laid my head against the door that Nikki had just made his 'big' exit from. "Why does he have to be such a tease?" I wondered out loud.

I put my hand over my heart and cracked a smile when I felt how fast my heart was beating.

My smile grew even bigger when I thought of an idea. Probably the best idea I have ever thought of, I'm going to get Nikki back.

I stepped away from the door and started, well tried, to walk to my room. But as soon as I did, my legs felt as if they had turned to jelly.

I couldn't help but let out a loud giggle when I had to catch myself on my couch. That man I swear.

I finally made it to my room and sat down on my bed. Heat rose to my cheeks when my mind drifted back to what happened not even ten minutes ago.

"Pull it together Charlie." I giggled, putting my hands on my cheeks, that were scolding.

I went to rub my neck but winced when I touched a sensitive spot. My eyes widened and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Oh my God, he did not!

I quickly got up from my bed and ran over to my mirror, my jaw dropped and my cheeks heated even more.
He left a fucking hickie on my fucking neck!

"Nikki!" I growled. He knows what he did. "Dammit!" I stomped, still examining the red and purple mark on my neck closer to my collar bone.

How the hell am I supposed to cover this up?! I huffed, but as I saw the glow on my face and the glimmer in my eyes, I smiled. "What the hell is he doing to me?" I whispered to myself.

He's the only man that has ever made me feel like this. Though, I've never been with a man, or anyone in general, he still counts.  He's so going to get it for this.

I walked out to my kitchen and opened my fridge, grabbing a beer.
I sighed and walked over to my couch, I sat down and turned on the t.v.

  I watched some t.v until there was a knock at the door. I looked over to the door and slowly stood up, walking towards it.

"Who is it?" I yelled, but no answer.

I got an eerie feeling when there was nothing but silence from the other side of the door.

I slowly put my ear to the door and listened carefully. I jumped when I heard another knock.

I backed away from the door and slowly unlocked it. Don't open it Charlie. The voice in my head was telling me, but me being me, opened the door.

"Hello?" I called, but there was no one at the door.

That was weird, I thought. I shut the door and locked it, walking back over to the couch. I sat down and resumed watching the tv. 

I couldn't hold my eyes open anymore and finally let darkness engulf me.


Heyo! Thanks for reading! Tell me what you thought oof. I wanna know your thoughts😂 Who do you think was knocking at the door? Got any good Ideas I can use for the next chapter? What do you think will happen? I love you all, have a great day and don't forget to rock on🤘🎸

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