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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Mötley Crüe songs or members in this story, just the people I have created.

Charlie's POV

The sun was blinding me as it shown through my bedroom curtains, making me sit up in annoyance.
I groaned and grabbed my head, I hate hangovers. Maybe I really overdid it at the Whisky last night.

The Whisky.

"Oh shit!" I hissed.

I'm so late.

I jumped out of bed and looked at my clock. It read 1:05. I was supposed to be there an hour ago for work.

I ran to my bathroom and washed my face, and brushed my hair and teeth.
I ran back out to my room and stripped of my clothes, and changed into some black jeans, and a Kiss shirt. I put on my boots, grabbed my keys, grabbed an apple and ran out the door. Today is not starting off good.

I hopped in my car and raced to the Whisky, Eating my apple on the way while 'Here I go again', by Whitesnake played on the radio.

I hope my manager won't mind if I'm one hour late. I bit my lip in thought. I'm so gonna get shit about this.


I arrived at the Whisky and nearly flew out of my car. I took a deep breath and opened the door that had always been heavier than it should've been.

As I stepped into the bar, I was immediately engulfed with the scent of alcohol and cigarettes. I swear by the time I'm thirty im going to have lung cancer from all the smoke I intake in this place.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a voice, a voice I so gracefully hated.

"Ms. Brader, you're late! Where on earth have you been?" My boss, who might I add is a total dick, asked.

I put on my best sorry face and spoke.

"Sir, I am so sorry, I overslept. It will never happen again." I fake pleaded.

He rolled his eyes, obviously not buying it.

"It better not happen again, now get out there and serve some people." He exclaimed, pushing me into the crowded area of the bar.

I grabbed an apron from the rack that stood next to the serving bar and tied it around my waist. I huffed and started taking orders.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" A voice yelled. I must have bumped into someone while taking orders. I turned around to tell them to back off when my face lit up.

"Jade!" I squealed.

My best friend laughed over the many other voices in the room. "Hey girl, it's been a while."

"How's your leg?" I asked looking down at her leg which was in a cast.

"Could be better, doctors said I have to keep the cast on for another month before they can take it off." She said with a disappointed expression.

Jade, who decided it would be fun to jump off the roof into a kitty pool, now has to suffer with a broken leg. Jades been out of work for a while because of it. "I came to see how things were going around here." Jade spoke.

"So your not staying?" I asked sadly.

"Sadly no, boss says I can't serve while hopping around on crutches all day." She said with a huff.

"Hey have you heard the news?" Jade asked, changing the subject.

"What news?" I asked curiously.

"There's a band that's gonna be playing tonight." She said.

"Um, there's a band that plays here everynight." I said with a blank expression.

"I know, but this isn't just any band, this is Mötley Crüe!" She squealed like a fangirl.

"Never heard of em'." I said.

She looked at me with wide eyes.
"Are you serious? They're like the best band ever!"

I shook my head at her giddiness.

Guess I'll just have to see for myself." I said, with a wink.

We said our goodbyes, and I started taking orders once again. I walked back over to the serving bar and gave the paper with the orders on it to Dave, the bartender.

As the day went on I had this uneasy feeling in my stomach, and I didn't know why. And then I remembered the band Jade said that was going to be playing here tonight. I never get nervous over bands playing here, why am I nervous over this one?

Thank you so much for reading, I literally proof read this like a thousand times lol. Anyways if you liked it please hit that star, and if you didn't well, don't hit the star I guess. Have a great day lovelies!💚

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