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"He's waking up..."

I'm what?

"Are you sure?"

Is who sure of what?

The faint voices were slowly becoming louder, and almost...closer?

Am I dead?

I opened my eyes, but immediately shut them. The brightness making my eyes overly sensitive.

"Oh my God Nikki!"
Someone screamed.

I brought my hand up to my face, confused as to why there were tubes attached to it. I reached for the one in my nose, pulling it off and throwing it the side.

I could hear gasps all before someone grabbed my hand and held it to keep me from pulling the rest of the tubes off.

I tried to pull away and yell but nothing but grunts and raspy breaths were coming out. Why couldn't I talk?

I finally opened my eyes, enough to see around me. Everything was blurry but as I blinked a couple more times, everything became clear.

I could see people in white and blue uniforms, all staring at me as if they were waiting for something. As if I were a science experiment and they wanted to see my reaction.

Who are they?
Are they angels?

I must be dead.

"Nikki?" Someone whispered.
I turned my head slowly to the right of me to see Charlie, gasping for air through her sobs.

I weakly grinned, a tear beginning to make its way down my cheek, why am I crying? I must not be dead, this has to be real. Or am I dreaming?

Why is Charlie crying?

I glanced around the room, noticing I was on a hospital bed, and that there was a monitor beside me, graphing my hearts rate.

What happened to me?

Before I knew it, Charlie wrapped her arms around me, squeezing me as if I was about to die.

"I can't believe you woke up," she whispered into the crook of my neck.
"I thought you were never going to wake up." She cried, releasing from me to wipe her face. I frowned, I hate seeing her cry.

"Mr. Sixx," I looked over to the man beside me, "you were in an accident. You've been in a comatic state for over six months." He informed.

I've been in a coma?
For six months!?

I looked down in confusion, I don't really remember what happened. What kind of accident was it?

"Nikki, you were drinking and driving and you wrecked your car." Charlie said sternly.

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to remember. And then it all hit me, stumbling into the drivers seat, getting halfway down the road, headlights, and then darkness...

I looked back up to Charlie, shaking my head trying my best to say I was sorry, but now her face held a look of hurt and anger.

"Nikki you could have fucking died you know that?!" She began, raising her voice which she rarely ever does.

"Ms. Brader--" the doctor tried to calm her but she threw her hands up and backed up, pointing at me with tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"You could have fucking died," her lips quivered as she covered her face.

My eyes began to water as I watched the hurt on her face.  I tried to clear my throat the best I could. "B-baby." I said, barely above a whisper; surprising myself with how weak my voice sounded.

Her head shot up and her eyes locked with mine.

Charlie's POV

That was the first time I heard Nikki say words in over 6 months. Although I was hurt, I was still relieved to hear his voice.

I've lost too many people in my past, and Nikki was not gonna be one of them. Atleast not yet.

I didn't know I could ever be so mad but yet so relieved to see those same green eyes, that I fell in love with, again.

The doctors and nurses said that Nikki would need to be kept in the hospital for atleast a day or two to make sure everything was working smoothly, after that they left the room to give us some space.

The room was now quiet, and I didn't know what to say, except for the first thing that's been on my mind since Nikki had his accident.

"Nikki I love you," I blurted.

He looked shocked but then the same smirk that I've grown to know appeared on his lips,

"I love you Charlie." He reached his arm out to me, wanting me to come over.

I walked closer to him and immediately collapsed into him, careful not to hurt his injuries.

"Do you mean it?" I asked, planting a kiss to his bare chest.

I could feel his chest rise as he chuckled. "Of course I mean it." He said, his voice still raspy. He kissed the top of my head while holding me against his chest.

"I'm sorry I lashed out at you, I was just scared." I sighed into his chest.

"And I'm sorry for driving while drunk." He let out.

"I didn't kill anyone did I?" He asked, looking down at me. "No Nikki," I lightly laughed, "the driver's okay."

"He doesn't want to press charges does he?" He asked, suddenly starting to worry. "No, he's actually a huge fan of yours believe it or not." I said nuzzling into his chest. "I visited him the other day and he said he has minor injuries, and even if they were serious they would be worth it." He huffed out a laugh.

"Now get some rest." I mumbled.

He laughed again."I think I've gotten plenty of rest."

I playfully hit his chest, "Well I've gotten hardly any sleep, so I'm sleeping." He chuckled and began running his fingers through my hair, urging me to sleep, to which I complied and eventually drifted off, satisfied knowing that when I woke up Nikki would be okay.

(A/N ) Hello my lovelies! Thank you so much for reading and thank you so so much for all of  your kind support and amazing comments, I love you all so much!! Tell me what you thought of this one, sorry if it's bad I tried lmao
Have a great day!♥

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