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Nikki's p

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Nikki's p.o.v

The tour was going great! The amount of people that showed up at our concerts was insane. So insane, that I had to down a beer right before we played, just to chill my nerves.

We were making it big time. There were so many girls trying to get backstage, which I didn't mind, but Doc of course did.

It's been two whole months of touring and I'm officially done. We were coming home soon and I couldn't wait.

I also couldn't wait to bring my girl home with me. I know she can't wait either.

The guys didn't really like the idea of me bringing a girl home, because they said it was just one more mouth to feed.

But I didn't care. She was amazing, even more amazing in bed. Her name is Tina.

I met her at a strip club, shes a stripper, and boy was she good at it too.

Her flowy blonde hair, and her beautiful blue eyes caught my attention really quick and I knew I had to take her home.

But I couldn't help think about one certain girl the whole time we were on tour. And I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't start dating Tina to get that one girl off my mind.

Tina is a really great girl, she really is.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a voice.

"Babe, did you here me?" Tina asked.

"Huh?" I replied, noticing she was sitting in the chair in my dressing room. Her tan legs swinging off of it mindlessly, while she filed her fingernails.

She scoffed, smacking on her gum.
"I said, do you wanna fuck?"

Inside, I cringed. I shouldn't be cringing, she's my girlfriend.

"Sorry baby, I'm kinda busy." I said, writing in my journal. Tommy calls it a diary, I call it a journal.

She scoffed again, "Your loss."

She stopped filing her nails, and hopped off the stool, making her way to me.

She took my journal out of my hands and placed it on the table. She straddled my lap and took my face in her hands.

"Come on, please?" She pleaded, dragging out the please.

I sighed, "Okay."

She smiled and pressed her lips against mine, meanwhile grinding on my crotch.

For some reason this felt wrong. But who cares, it's free sex.


Charlie's p.o.v (A week later)

I've been trying to get the guys off my mind by working my ass off at the Whisky, but it's no use.

I miss Nikki. There I said it, I miss Nikki. I really do, I really miss him.

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