Busted-Chapter Thirty-One

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Hello, guys! Happy to see me? I know you are :P

I can't believe it.. Chapter 31! How exciting is that?

Anyways, something crazy happen last night but I don't want to keep you waiting so just read the author's note at the end.

Enjoy :)

Love, EpicOreo

Chapter Thirty-One

Gabriel’s P.O.V.

It was really hard.

Sitting in the back seat, next to her. Trying not to look at her while she certainly had no problem ignoring me. And she didn’t even want to share a room with me. It's not like we were going to share the same bed. They're bunk bed for god's sake!

I sighed and followed Jessica upstairs to the room we were sharing, after my parents were done giving out explanation. Noah and I already knew everything but dad made us stay. I really don’t see why though.

Once we were in the room I set my suitcase down next to the door.

''Hum, which bed do you want?'' I asked her nervously, scratching the back of my neck.

''I'll take the first one.'' She muttered, dragging her two suitcases with her and setting them on the bed.

I nodded even though she wasn't looking at me. I just stood there not knowing what to do next.

''If you need any help just-'' I started trying to not let the nervousness seep through my voice.

''Shout, I know. There’s always someone in the house.'' She cut me off, as she pulled out her phone of her pocket.

I nodded once again, even though she still wasn't looking at me. Talk about awkward.

''Well, I'll- I'll be in the- I'll just go.'' I said to her, well it's not like she was listening to me anyway.

I turned around and walked out of the room, pulling the door close.

I sighed and made my way downstairs and took out my coat from the closet of the entrance. After putting it on. I started walking towards the kitchen where the door to the backyard was. I was looking down at my phone when I bumped into someone, making their phone fall along with them to the floor.

''Sorry, I wasn’t looking-'' I stopped when I saw Jessica on the floor, glaring up at me. ''I'll help you up.''  I bend down to grab her hand but she coldly pulled it away.

''I can get up by myself.'' She snapped at me picking up her phone.

''I was just trying to help you-''

''I don't. Need. Your. Help. It'd be better if you just didn't talk to me.'' She snapped coldly glaring at me. She got up, dusting off her pants before walking by me, making sure to bump into my shoulder. I resisted the urge to turn around and grab her hand. If she didn't need my help, or didn't want me to talk to her; I'll respect it. As much as it hurts, I’ll just ignore her. That's pretty much what she wants.

''Gabriel.'' I turned around and gave Sarah a weak smile. She walked towards me and pulled e into a hug. I wrapped my arm around her and patted her back.

''I'm sorry for what she said.'' She said looking at me with regret.

''It's fine Sarah... Just let it go, ok?'' I asked sending her a weak smile

''I'm not letting it go. I know you still care about her, and I know she's just acting like she doesn't care. She's my sister, and I know she's forcing herself to be mean to you.'' She explained and I sighed. I wish that was true.

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