Busted-Chapter Thirty-Four

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  • Dedicated to To all the hopeless romantics

Hello, beautiful readers!

How is your week-end going so far?

I hope you're all happy to see that i have finally updated. It's been a long week, but the new chapter is finally here.

Guess what? 

16 pages long (from Word)!

I did as I said last time and tried to do it as long as possible.

I think you guys might like it. Or even love it. Because I did enjoy writing it, filling it cheesy scenes and funny situations (I think).

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it and don't forget to let me know what you think.

Vote and comment, I really appreciate it.

Love, EpicOreo

Chapter Thirty-Four (Can you believe it? 'Cause I can't.) 

Gabriel's P.O.V.


That seemed like a great idea.

GIrls like all this cheesy stuff, like on those movies Jessica always forced me to watch with her.

It has to work.

I haven't sang in ages, though. 

And what am I supposed to sing?

I groaned in frustration, tugging at my hair as I got up from the couch and walked to Alyson's room.

''Come in!'' Alyson's voice sang from the other side of the door. I chuckled and pushed the door open.

''Hey guys.'' I smiled at Sarah and Alyson, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

''What's up? What's new? What cracki-''

''Dude, I need your help. Stop trying to act cool.'' I said, frowning at Alyson.

Her eyes softened for a second as she blinked at me.


''You usually gasp, not say it.'' Sarah stated, rolling her eyes at my sister.

Alyson shrugged and patted the bed, motioning for me to sit next to her.

''What seems to be the problem?'' Alyson asked, ruffling my hair. 

I shot her a glare and she giggled quietly as she patted my hair back into its place.

''Noah suggested that I sing, for Jessica... You know, to get her back.''

''That's so cute!'' Alyson gushed and I sighed loudly.

''If you don't stop I'm going to see mom.'' I warned pointing a finger at her.

She slapped my hand down and grinned at me. ''Okay I'll stop.''

''Thank you. So, what should I do?''

''Chose a really good song.'' Sarah answered, looking up from her book.

''Hmm! Yea, that's really important.'' Alyson, nodded in agreement.

''Okay, like, her favourite song or something?''

''Yea. Do you know it?'' Sarah asked as she sat down next to Alyson.

I scoffed at her and raised my eyebrows. ''What kind of guy would I be if I didn't know her favourite song?''

''That was the cutest thing ever!'' The both cooed at the same time.

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