Busted-Chapter Six

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Hello there here is chapter six, so far it's my favortie one. I had a lot of fun writing it so I hope you like it :D :D

Enjoy ;)

Love, EpicOreo

Chapter Six

''What about him?'' I asked her gently. I didn't want to push her but I really needed to know what was making her cry like that.

She took another shaky breath and continued talking. ''I was waiting for Gabriel at my locker, because he told me that he would come so we could walk to Noah together.'' Fresh tears were escaping her eyes and she was shaking. I pulled her onto my lap and gently stoked her hair. She looked up at me and continued.

''He was taking longer than usual, so I started walking to his locker'' Her lip started to tremble but she continued. ''And... And... And when I arrived I saw him... he... he was...'' But she was cut off by her sobbing. 

''What was he doing?'' I asked her.

''He was kissing Alicia!!!'' And with that she started crying again. She was shaking uncontrollably in my arms and I almost started to cry too. But I didn't I just held her tighter into my arms.

''Are you sure it was him?? Maybe it was someone else!'' I asked stroking her hair.

''Yea I was sure, he had one of the bracelets I bought us for our 2 months anniversary!!''

''Oh I'm so sorry Jess... Did you ask him why he was doing that maybe it was just a mistake?''

''No I just ran out of school and ran home!!'' I was so devastated. I couldn't stand seeing my little sister like that and she-... Wait did she say...

''Did you say Alicia??'' I almost screamed in her ears. 

''Yea, why?'' She asked.

''Alicia as in Alicia Matthews??''

''Yes ALICIA MATTHEWS!! HE CHOSE HER OVER ME DO YOU REALLY NEED TO SAY HER NAME OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!'' She was really angry and had more tears strolling down her cheeks. I was now as angry as her but I didn't want yell at her.

''Alicia Matthews... She's Amber's little sister!!!'' I was now angrier than ever. When Amber said that Jessica was going to pay for it, just a few weeks ago. That's how she did it. She probably send her sister to kiss Gabriel, what a b*tch I hate that girl.

''So what does it matter?? Gabriel doesn't like me!!'' She continued to cry.

''Don't say that!! I'm sure that Amber sent her little sister to kiss Gabriel!!''

She looked up at me a wiped her tears away. I really wish those were fake tears. ''Why would Amber do that?''

''Well... You know the other day at Starbucks when you poured your drink on her and she said that you were going to pay for it... Well I think it's that! I'm sure you have nothing to worry about!'' I told her not sure to smile or not.

''No...'' She shook her head. ''Gabriel doesn’t like that's it!!'' With that she got up and ran out of my room.

''Jess, come here!!'' But she had already closed the door of her room. ''What am I going to do?'' I muttered under my breath... I quickly pulled out my phone of my pocket and searched for Noah's number. I went downstairs because I didn't want Jessica to hear me.

Noah answered after the second ring.

''Hey Sarah! Where's Jess? Gabriel and I are really worried!''

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