Busted-Chapter Ten

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Hello!! I I hope you're happy to see that I posted a new chapter of Busted. Hehe. I started writing it yesterday (Thursday) but I couldn't finish it. I had  work to do for school. (Yea they give work after the first day of school. Well nothing big but you know write things about you and all that crap.) Anyways, I rewrote the rest of it today (Friday) because they were some things I didn't really like. Anyways!! Enough with my boring school life :P I really hope you're going to enjoy it. I think you're going to! Not completely but you'll see. And there's a new P.O.V. I hope you like it! 

I might had a new P.O.V. in a couple of chpaters so:

if you would like to read someone a new P.O.V. I haven't done yet choose between:





Love, EpicOreo

Chapter Ten

It had been 4 weeks since the accident. And Jessica still didn't wake up. After two weeks of sleeping next to Jessica's bed Patrick made me go to school.

''I don't want to go Patrick... I'm fine I'll stay here until she wakes up...'' I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out the window. I didn't want Patrick to look into my eyes... Because... I wasn't fine...

''Come on Sarah... It's not healthy and you shouldn't be sleeping in a chair... Please go back to school... When Jessica wakes up I'll-''

''If she wakes up...'' I said looking him in the eyes.

''Don't say that'' He sighed and sat down in a chair next to me. ''You know she's going to wake up... Please go get some rest... You still have two days until the week-end is over.''

''Fine'' I said getting up. ''But I'm coming to see Jessica tomorrow and Monday before school...''

''Yea... Ok now go get some rest!'' He got up and hugged me. I hugged him back and walked out of Jessica's hospital room.

**Monday Morning**

I really didn't want to go to school but I didn't really have a choice. I was eating cereal alone on the table... The house felt really empty without Jessica and Patrick... I sighed and got up when I heard Noah's horn outside.

''Are you sure you're going to be ok?'' Noah asked me. We were walking to my locker because I had to get a few books. We did go visit Jessica... But she still didn't wake up...

''I guess...'' I pulled out my phone of my pocket and looked at the time. ''Come on we don't want to be late.

When I entered the class a few people were staring at me. I could understand them. I looked like sh*t and I knew it. I didn't get much sleep and I had big bags under my eyes. My hair was pulled into a messy ponytail and I was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. I would have worn something like skinny jeans and a cute top... But I really didn't feel like it...

I could barely concentrate on what the teacher was saying... My mind kept drifting back to Jessica... The bell rang and I slowly put my things into my bag. I looked up and saw Noah waiting for me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He had been a really great friend for the last month... A friend... If only he knew how much I hated it... Being just his friend... I wish I could be so much more.

''Sarah!'' I sighed before turning around. I was about to walk in line to buy something to eat in the cafeteria. I wasn't really hungry but Noah convinced me to eat something.

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