Busted-Chapter Twenty-Four

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Hello there!! First off. Twilight was awesome and if you haven't seen it yet. You just have to. What else.... OH!! I managed not to sit during my whole french hour last week.. or was it two weeks ago? I don't know, but yea.

So, I haven't uploaded in a while. I decided to upload this chapter. I want to have time to write Christmas chapters and stuff. Oh!! And hum, Winter Formal, and the trip to Noah's family chalet. Keep your eyes out for something related with a lot of snow. And some people getting lost.

I've said to much already...

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Maybe, some kissing will happend *wink wink*.

Love, EpicOreo


Chapter Twenty-Four


My breath caught in my throat as I came to the realization of what was happening. My heart was pounding in my chest and I felt as if I was going to pass out.

Noah Cole was asking me to Winter Formal.

Is this real?

It surely couldn't be.

I shivered when Noah's worried voice echoed in my ears. I looked up at him. And I'm sure that I looked redder than a tomato. I should probably get an award for most red face, or most blushing person. Yea! That sounds better and-. What am I thinking about? Focus, Sarah.

''Are you ok?'' Noah said, his gaze traveling around my face, only making me blush harder.

I think I ran out of blood.

''Y-y-y-ea. I-I-I-I'm t-t-total-ly fine.'' I said trying to speak normally. Yea, didn't work out so great. He flashed me a worried grin before speaking up. I must have sounded stupid.

''So, um. About that question. I-I mean, if you don't want to come-''

''I'd love too.'' I said, surprised at how clear my voice had sounded, due to the fact that I was completely freaking out inside.

''You-I. Really?'' He said frowning down at me.

''Yes, Noah Cole. I would love to go to Winter Formal with you.'' I breathed out, still looking up at him.

''You will?'' He almost shouted as his whole face lit up. I nodded still smiling at him. He looked so cute with his eyes glowing like that. ''Thank you, thank you, thank you.'' He said making me giggle. ''I promise you won't regret it.'' He said looking into my eyes. I tried to think of something smart to say, but my brain was frozen.

I bit my lip but immediately stopped when I noticed Noah's gaze flicker to my lips. Then my eyes. And to my lips again. I blushed deep red as he started to lean in. He stopped just as our lips were inches apart. I don't know where my sudden confidence came from, but I wrapped my arms around Noah's neck and he leaned in completely.

I shivered of delight when his soft lips met mine. This is going to sound so cliché but, I actually felt like I was on some sort of cloud. Noah's lips moved slowly on mine. I felt my knees go weak as Noah's hands slipped inside my open coat, and found their way to my waist. 

After a few seconds, Noah pulled away and looked down at me. 

I should probably kiss him back right?

Well, here goes nothing.

I tangled my fingers in his hair as he clutched my waist tighter, earning a sigh of content from me. Noah took the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. Again, not that I minded. As our tongues danced together, I rolled us over so I was the on the top. I pulled my body closer to his, not wanting any space to separate us. Sparks were running from my head to my toes as Noah rolled us over, so I was the one laying in the snow, again.

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