Busted-Chapter Eighteen

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Hi. Sorry I haven't published anyhing in a while. It's been a week. There was a problem in my family, so yea...

I hope you guys enjoy this :)

Love, EpicOreo

Chapter Eighteen

I woke up to the sound of my phone, ringing. I groaned and reached out for it. I didn’t bother to check the caller ID and answered right away.

''Hello?'' I answered in a sleepy voice.

''Hey!'' I closed my eyes and rested my head on my pillow.

''Why are you calling so early? Noah's birthday isn't until 2:30PM, Taylor.'' I said trying to stay awake.

''It's already 10:55AM, my dear friend.'' I quickly got up and looked at my phone before putting it back to my ear.

''Fuck, I have to get ready. I still have to go see Alyson at her hotel.'' I quickly grabbed a towel and ran into my bathroom.

''Yea, well-''

''I'll talk to you later. Bye.''

''Bye!'' Taylor chuckled and I hung up. Quickly slipping off my clothes and entering the shower. I quickly washed my body and hair with strawberry flavoured shampoo before stepping out of the shower of wrapped my body into a fluffy towel.

I walked out of my bathroom, blow-dried my hair and slipped on my underwear. I quickly slipped on a pair of black jeans and a white long-sleeved t-shirt. I didn’t want to get my clothes for Noah's birthday dirty so I just figured I'll quickly come home to change when I come back from Alyson's.

When I was ready I grabbed my purse and phone before walking out of my room. I ran to the front door and slipped my boots on, along with my winter coat. I was about to open the door when a voice interrupted me.

''Where are you going? Isn't Noah’s birthday like, at 2:00?'' Patrick asked with a raised eyebrow. I saw Jessica come out of the kitchen and she sat down in front of the TV.

''She just can’t wait to see him.'' She mocked, making kissing noises. I grabbed one of her boots and chucked it at her. Lucky for her, I missed.

''Next time, I won't miss you with that boot.'' I glared at Jessica before turning to Patrick. ''I have to go see Alyson before I head to Noah's house. Bye!'' I grabbed my keys and ran out of my house. I unlocked the door and quickly got into my car.

After a half our drive I arrived at the Lapsze Hotel. Alyson had texted me the address and the number of her room yesterday. I got out of my car and locked the doors. When I arrived at the front desk, a red-haired lady was sitting in front of a computer tipping furiously with her fingers on a keyboard.

''Excuse me?'' I said when I was standing in front of her.

She looked up at me and smiled. ''How may I help you?'' She asked in a sweet voice.

''Hum, I came to visit someone. I'd just like to know which elevator I have to take to the 6th floor.'' I chuckled nervously.

''The third one on this wall.'' She smiled as she pointed to a wall of three elevators.

''Thank you.'' I smiled at her.

''Have a nice day.'' She smiled back.

''You too.'' I shot back before running to the elevators. I stopped when I was in front of the third one and pushed on the arrow pointing up. I impatiently tapped my foot while waiting for the doors to open. I checked my phone and sighed. It was already 12:45; I guess my shower wasn't that quick...

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