Busted-Chapter Thirty-Three

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Hi there, I know I'm three days late on my updating schedule and I'm really sorry but this week was my first week back to school after my two weeks break and I had a lot of work.

I also didn't have anything written for this and I couldn't think of anything.

But today.... You get 10 pages from Word :D Amazing right?

Have you heard Michael Bublé's new song?

It's amazing, and I was listening to it while writing this, it's my new favourite song.

I hope you enjoy this.

Before I forget, there's going to be an important announcement at the end of the chapter.

So don't forget to read the note and the end.

And to vote and comment :D


Love, EpicOreo

P.S.: The chapter is dedicated to lani2012 for suggesting more romance for the next chapter. I hope there's enough of it, I tried really hard :)

Chapter Thirty-Three

''I'm Jake; I'll be your waiter for the night. Have you guys made your choice yet?'' 

Noah nodded and put his menu down next to mine. ''Yea, we'll both have the burger and fries with one strawberry milkshake and a chocolate one.'' Jake nodded as he scribbled down on his notepad. He looked back up at us after a few seconds.

''If you need anything else...'' He trailed off, smirking at me. ''I'll be here all night.'' He finished with a wink. I nodded and cleared my throat as I scratched my arm nervously.

Jake chuckled and turned around, making his way back to his spot behind the counter.

I looked up at Noah and frowned.

He was looking in the direction of the big double doors, probably leading to the kitchen. He was frowning and his hands were clenched at his sides. I saw his jaw clench and unclench numerous times before I reached over the table and grabbed his clenched fist.

''Noah?'' I called softly. His face slowly got back to its usual colour and I sighed.


''Everything okay?'' I asked cocking my head to the side.

He squeezed my hand and gave me a small smile. ''Yup.'' He answered still smiling.

I could tell it was a fake one but I decided to drop it and ask him about it later.

''Here you go, enjoy your meal.'' Jake smiled and winked at me once more.

Noah loudly cleared his throat and Jake chuckled before leaving us alone.

I frowned at Noah who was biting so hard on his meal that I thought he might break his teeth.

I sighed and dropped my hamburger back onto its plate before getting up from my seat.

''What are you doing?'' Noah asked with a confused expression. I simply held up my hand and slid into the seat with him.

''You have ketchup on your mouth.'' I answered and took some paper before turning back to Noah. I wiped the corners of his mouth before kissing his cheek.

Busted, Just another teenage love storyWhere stories live. Discover now