Busted-Chapter Two

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Here's chapter two!! Enjoy,

Love, EpicOreo

Chapter Two

Noah's P.O.V.

''Uh,'' She started but suddenly froze. I raised my eyebrows at her, a smile forming on my lips as I did so.

I’ve liked Sarah for as long as I can remember. Though, I’ve never tried to ask her out. I mean what would a girl like her do with a guy like me?

She was perfect.

Okay, Noah. Quit staring with that dumb smile on your face.

''Come on,'' I slipped an arm around her shoulder and felt her stiffen under my touch. Wonder why... ''My mom makes amazing lasagna; you don't want to miss that now do you?'' I asked, still smiling widely at her.

''S-sure.'' She answered, blushing slightly.  

''Okay, we’ll take my car. If that’s okay with you.''

''Oh,'' She turned to Jessica, causing my arm to fall off her shoulder. ''Jess, isn’t Patrick picking us up?''

''I'll text him, don't worry.'' Jessica waved it off dismissively before turning back to Gabriel.

''Well it's settled then, I guess I'll see you and Jessica after school.'' I winked at her and cheered internally when a blush crept onto her cheeks.

''I guess it is.'' She said with slight nod.

''Noah, buddy!'' I heard David's voice call. I turned around and smiled at my best friend.

 David Lucas Phillips. We’ve known each other since diapers. And we’ve always been best friends since then. We knew absolutely everything about each other. He knew that I liked Sarah and like any best friend, he teased me about it.

''Dave.'' I waved him over and smiled one last time at Sarah.

''Hey, there, Sarah. Looking good!'' Dave winked at her and she giggled quietly.

''Hey, David,'' Sarah responded. ''Thanks.'' She said and rolled her eyes at Dave.

''Anytime, sweetheart.'' I elbowed him in the ribs and he coughed loudly before smiling at Sarah who was watching us with an amused expression.

''Come on Dave, I need to get something from my locker.'' I turned to Sarah. ''I’ll see you and Jessica later then.'' I waved at her and she waved back with a small smile.

''Hey, Gabe, You coming?''

''Sure, I’ll catch up with you guys in a second.'' He answered, waving me off as he did so. I chuckled and followed Dave over to the school’s entrance.

Sarah's P.O.V

I watched with a hand over my heart as Gabriel whispered something in Jessica’s ear before kissing her cheek and running up to the school’s doors.

''You guys are so cute.'' I gushed, squeezing her arm as he we slowly walked down the hallway.

''Shut up.'' She hissed, a small blush creeping onto her cheeks.

''You know it’s true.'' I giggled. ''You probably don't notice but every time he's with you, his eyes sparkle. I swear, you guys are the cutest thing ever.'' Jessica stopped walking and looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

''Really?'' She asked me.

''I'm telling you. He really likes you, Jess. And you like him back. Life is perfect!'' I said laughing and did a little twirl with my hands in the air. Jessica simply shook her head at me with her arms crossed over her chest.

''Nice job, by the way, with the shopping and cinema thing.''

''Thanks, I’m kind of freaking out though.'' I chuckled nervously and she rolled her eyes at me.

''Don't be, you probably didn't notice either, but Noah didn't stop smiling since you guys started talking.''

''You, my dear sister, are delusional.''

''No, Sarah, I swear,'' She sighed and bumped her hip with mine. ''I saw him wink at you. And he was checking you out.'' She added with a smug smile.

''You can’t be serious.'' I whispered with wide eyes.

''I am serious. He looked shy, though.''

''Noah, shy? Please, you’re just messing with me.''

''I’m not. We’ll just see how it turns out tonight.'' She replied with a smirk.

''Hmm, we will.'' I shook my head at her and turned around, still not fully convinced.

''Oh.'' I heard Jessica say in surprise. I assumed she was seeing the same thing I was.

Amber flirting shamelessly with Noah. She was standing so close to him I could swear she was about to jump him. I could hear my heart beating in my ears as I watched her lean in to kiss Noah.

Anger built up inside of me but it immediately disappeared when Noah, oddly, pushed her away.

Why would he do that? She's, according to every guy, the hottest girl in school. Well, in our grade that is. And just like that Noah pushed her away. That was weird.

But at the same time, I was relieved. I mean, if he was interested in her, he wouldn’t have pushed her away. Well, at least he didn’t like that slut.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I wasn't just saying that because I was jealous. Well, maybe I was, but that’s not the point.

I don’t think that girl understood that clothes were supposed to cover your skin and that sleeping with every guy that offered it to her was going to bring her some problems one of these days.

''That was... Disappointing-''

''Don’t say anything else. You clearly saw that he pushed her away.'' I rolled my eyes at her and ruffled her hair.

''I know,'' I sighed and turning back to her. ''Now go to class.''

''Yes, mom.'' She groaned under her breath.

I shook my head as I watched her run over to the stairs. Even though we weren't in the same grade we had class in the same building, just on different levels.

''Sarah!'' A voice called from behind me.

''Hey, bestie.'' Once I had turned around, I pulled her into a hug.

Taylor Annabelle Simons has been my best friend since kindergarten. We had always shared everything and it hadn’t stopped since then. And I don’t think it ever will. She’s like my second sister.

She of course knew everything about the fact that I was crushing on Noah. She teased me about it but mostly tried to get me to ask him out.

As you can see, the second part didn’t work very well.

Well, it was going to get better, I was quite proud of the courage I‘d manage to gather up to ask him to go to the movies with us.

''What's up?'' Taylor asked as we pulled away from our hug. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it as I led us down the hallway.

''You'll never guess.'' I gushed excitedly as we entered our first class.

Hope you enoyed :)

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Love, EpicOreo

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