Busted-Chapter Twenty-Five

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HELLO! I hope you all had wonderful holidays! I know I haven't updated this story for a long time, a really long time *coughs* December 8 *coughs*... Yea..

So those are some other Narah moments... Yea its a lame couple name but its 7:28 in the morning, you guys are lucky!

Hehe so yea I started another story called 'I knoe you're not okay' go check it out.

Like I said in the update of the other story I'll be busy for the next couple of days so I won't be here until at least Friday and you guys will be lucky if I am here before then.

Now I have to go to school so enjoy!!

Chapter Twenty-Five

''Noah! Put me down this instant!'' I laughed, pounding on his back.

''Keep on with that hitting babe. You know I like it rough!'' He laughed, giving a little tap on my butt. My cheeks flushed red and I immediately stopped hitting him. ''Why'd stop?'' He laughed and set me back on my feet.

I opened my mouth to say something, not that I would’ve found something to say. But anyways, I was cut off by Noah getting closer to me. The logic thing in my mind was to back up. Yea... not a great idea. I looked down, avoiding his gaze when I felt my back hit a wall.

Noah gripped my chin, making me look up at him. ''I have to say, you look really, really good in my clothes.'' Noah said with a smile as his head got closer to mine. I could feel his breath fanning over my face.

''Hum, thxs.'' I said swallowing hard. I tried to move away but Noah pressed his chest against mine.

''You're welcome.'' He chuckled leaning closer, not taking his gaze away from mine. He stopped leaning in when our lips were inches apart, I bit my lip in impatience, making Noah chuckle. I rolled my eyes before wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing his head to mine.

''Someone's impatient.'' He murmed against my lips. I shushed him by nibbling on his lower lip, gaining a little moan from him. I smiled into the kiss and tightened my grip around his neck. One of Noah's hands tangled into my hair as the other one clutched my waist. I let out a sigh and felt Noah smile against my lips before sliding his tongue into my mouth.

Much to my disappointment Noah lips left mine. I looked up at him, both of us trying to catch our breath. I was about to open my mouth when Noah lips found their way to mine neck, leaving trails of kisses along the base of my collarbone. Noah focused on a spot and started sucking on it. A little moan escaped my mouth and I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks. Noah chuckled before bringing his lips back to mine.

I could feel my heart beating faster and faster when he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, and bringing his body closer to mine. Again. I really didn't mind. I tried to pull away for air but he clutched my tights, making me kiss him harder.

''MOM!! SARAH AND NOAH ARE HAVING SEX IN THE HALLWAY!'' I heard a voice yell. Shit. I tried to pull away but Noah clutched my waist.

''Oh!! I wanna see!'' Another voice yelled.

''Me too!'' Another voice joined.

''You're not seeing anything! Get back downstairs!!'' A voice yelled.

''Mom!! It's not stopping!'' The voice yelled again, this time it was closer. Like it was in the stairs.

''We shouldn’t be staying here.'' I whispered a little out of breath.

''You're right.'' Noah chuckled and we started moving.

''I can walk you know.'' I stated with raised eyebrows.

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