Chapter 1: Fire

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Disclaimer: I do not own the original Emergency characters. I only own the plot they are put into. Thank you.
"Thanks for the food, Daisy. It was good. How is the baby coming along?" Captain Stanley asked as Daisy got ready to leave.

"I'm 32 weeks. Almost there," she said patting her stomach. She was smiling like normal. "Well, I better get going. I promised Rose I would take her dress shopping for prom before I dropped her back off," she said as she left. Johnny kissed her bye before she left.
"How was school?" Daisy asked when Rose got in. Rose was smiling.

"Cameron asked me out!" she squealed. Daisy squealed with her.

"The nice one or the athletic one?"

"The nice one." Daisy smiled. She knew that the athletic Cameron broke Rose's heart once before. He used Rose to make his ex-girlfriend jealous. The nice Cameron was kind to Rose and actually loved her.

"Alright. That means we got to get this show on the road and get a dress that will impress Cameron," Daisy joked with her. Rose smiled.

Several hours passed. Rose finally found the perfect dress to wear and took it home with her. Daisy could see dread on Rose's face when she pulled into the driveway and her adoptive mother, Ivy, rushed out to see her. "I want to see it!" she yelled running up to the car. Rose got out and showed her the dress. "I love it!" she said carrying it inside. Daisy hugged Rose and left. Soon, night came. Daisy slipped on her pajamas and got into bed. Johnny would be at work for the next few days. Halfway through the night, she could smell smoke. She got up and felt of her door. It was extremely hot. The house was on fire! She ran to her side of the bed and picked up the phone and dialed the station's number.

"Station 51, Captain Stanley. May I help you?"

"Cap, it's Daisy," she said trying to keep calm.

"Daisy? Is everything alright?" he asked. When he asked this, all of the men sat up in their bunks. Johnny's eyes widened.

"The house is on fire. I can't tell how big it is. I'm trapped in the bedroom. I felt of the door. It's extremely hot. I can smell smoke though," she said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Alright. We'll be right there. Just hold on and stay calm," he said motioning for everyone to get up. He hung up the phone. "Gage, Daisy's trapped in the bedroom. She said the door is hot and she can smell smoke," he said as Johnny finished putting his gear on. They hurried to the trucks and rushed out. When they arrived at the house, Johnny and Roy put their oxygen masks on quickly and ran inside. Chet and Marco grabbed a hose and went to work. When Johnny and Roy got through the door, Daisy was laying on the ground. Her stomach was hurting her so bad she couldn't stand up. Johnny picked her up and put his mask on her. Seeing he had it covered, Roy ran back out to the squad to get it prepared. The ambulance arrived shortly after he finished getting everything together. Johnny laid Daisy down on a gurney. He put his hand on her stomach.

"Contractions are every 2 minutes," he said to Roy. Roy got on the bio-phone and relayed what Johnny said to Rampart.

"51, if the ambulance is there, bring her on in," Dr. Brackett replied back.

"10-4, Rampart," Roy said as Johnny and the ambulance attendees put Daisy in the ambulance. Johnny got in and sat down next to her holding her hand to keep her calm.
At Rampart, Johnny and Roy wheeled Daisy in. Her stomach was really hurting her. Realizing who it was, Dr. Brackett, Dr. Early, and Dixie took her into a room quickly. About an hour later, Johnny came out of the room holding a sweet baby girl. "What did you two decide to name her?" Roy asked.

"Well, since she was born due to a fire, we thought about Ashlyn. You know because Ash is in the name. Daisy wanted her middle name to be the same as Jennifer's which is Marie," he said looking down at his daughter.

"Ashlyn Marie. That's a beautiful name," Roy said as the rest of the station came in to check on Daisy.

"Where's Daisy?" Captain Stanley asked when he saw Johnny and Roy.

"She's in the treatment room resting."

"Who is this little boot?" Chet asked in a baby voice when he saw Ashlyn.

"This is Ashlyn Marie."

"I was sure it would be a boy. Anyways, not much of the house is burnt. There's just a few places that are black from the smoke," Chet said.

"Gage, you know what this means, right?" Mike asked.

"No. What?" he asked confused.

"She's the newest boot."

"In that case, welcome aboard little boot!" he said looking down at her. Ashlyn giggled causing the rest of them to laugh. Dixie walked out of Daisy's treatment room with a smile.

"Johnny, you have a wife in here that wants to see her baby girl. I would suggest you get back in there," she said sarcastically. Johnny smiled and walked back in there. Dixie shook her head at him. "How bad is the house burnt?" she asked Captain Stanley.

"Not bad. They'll just have to paint in some places."

"Well, at least it isn't burnt down." Just then, a man came in the door screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Where is Daisy at?" he screamed at Dixie.

"Sir, Daisy is in a treatment room and won't be receiving guests until she is moved to another room. If you want to see her, you will have to wait in the waitin-" the man cut her off.

"I want to see her now! We have unfinished business!" He grabbed a hold of Dixie and started to shake her. Captain Stanley grabbed the man and pulled him off of her. The man turned around and punch Captain Stanley in the nose. Dr. Brackett came out of a treatment room and saw the man punch Captain Stanley. He tried to calm the man down but failed when the man pushed him back. Brackett got back up and headed towards the man again. This time, the man tried to punch him. Brackett dodged the punch and punched back at the man. The man fell to the floor. Johnny came out of the room to check on everyone because he could hear the man screaming.

"Everything is alright. Just a misunderstanding," Dr. Brackett said when he saw Johnny. Johnny just nodded his head. He didn't want to know what just happened.

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