Chapter 10: Angel

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Roy was sitting on the back of the squad with his face in his hands. The fire had finally been put out. Everyone was looking for Daisy and the little boy now. Johnny saw his partner and walked over to him. "What's wrong?" Johnny asked. Roy looked up. Tears were rolling down his face.

"It's all my fault! I should have seen that the floor was weak. Now, Ashlyn has a possibility of not having a mother and you would be a widower all because of me!" Roy said. Johnny looked at Roy with a shocked face.

"Roy, this isn't your fault. Neither you or Daisy knew the floor was weak until it was too late. Besides, we don't know if she is dead yet. I'm not blaming you for what happened." As Johnny finished his pep talk, one of the men that was in the house searching for Daisy came outside yelling.

"We found something!" Johnny and Roy ran to where the man was, and he took them to where the pile of rubble was. Sure enough, there laid a body that had a jacket on with COLLINS printed on the back. It was Daisy's old turnout jacket. Nearby was Daisy laying on top of the little boy. Roy and Johnny picked Daisy up and carried her outside. Another fireman carried the little boy out. Judging by the where Daisy and the boy were, Johnny and Roy think that Daisy threw herself on top of the little boy after they fell to shield him from the debris. Roy examined Daisy while Johnny checked on the boy.

"Rampart, this is Squad 51," Roy said when he picked up the bio-phone.

"Squad 51 go," Dr. Brackett said.

"Rampart, we have a female. Age 26. BP and respiration are too fast to count. The skin is cold and clammy to the touch. Second victim is a male. Approximate age is 9. BP is 120/80. Respiration is 16. Second victim also has third degree burns on his arms and legs."

"51, it sounds like the first victim is in shock. Elevate her legs and stop the bleeding. Second victim needs proper burn treatment. Start an IV D5W on both victims."

"10-4, Rampart," Roy said looking Daisy over again. Johnny started the IV on the boy. Finally, Roy found the cut on Daisy's side. It was very deep, and blood was gushing out of it. Roy grabbed the gauze and started to stop the bleeding. After he got the bleeding to stop, he started the IV and sent Daisy on to the hospital.
Dr. Brackett came out of the treatment room with a long face. Johnny and Roy were waiting patiently for an answer. Brackett let out a long sigh. "How is she, Doc?" Roy asked before Johnny had the chance to.

"We're not sure yet. She lost a lot of blood. We are probably going to have to do surgery. If we do it, she has a 50/50 chance of surviving the surgery," he said looking down. Johnny and Roy were crushed. "We're doing all that we can plus more to save her."

"Who's going to tell Rose?" Johnny asked with tears forming. Roy looked at him.

"I will," he said heading to the elevator. Johnny nodded then left to find a phone.
"What? No! She's got to make it! She can't die!" Rose yelled. She started to cry. Roy comforted her. He knew how she felt. "How did it happen?" Roy looked at Rose with a lump in his throat. Finally, he told her what happened and blamed himself most of the way. "Roy, it's not your fault. Daisy and Johnny both know that. Heck, even Ashlyn would know it. You can't help what happened. Stop blaming yourself. If it had been you instead of Daisy, you wouldn't want Daisy to blame herself. Now, would you?"

"I guess not. It still hurts though."

"I know it does. It hurts me too. Anyways, did you all get the fire put out?" Rose asked trying to change topics.

"Yeah," he said as Dixie walked in.

"Roy, do you know where Johnny is?" Dixie asked holding the door.

"He said something about calling a daycare. Why?"

"They just sent Daisy to surgery." Roy got up from the bed.

"I'll go find him," he said heading out the door.
"All I need you to tell her is that her mommy won't be coming home right now. It's a long story. Thank you," Johnny said as he hung the phone back up. He held his hand there for a minute then ran it through his hair. "Come on, Daisy, you can make it through this," he whispered to himself.

"Hey," Roy said startling Johnny, "I thought I would tell you that they just took her into surgery." Johnny nodded. He walked over to the waiting area and sat down. Roy sat down next to him. A few minutes later, Dixie joined them.

"I thought you all would like to know that the boy is okay. He's conscious now and we are keeping him overnight to let him finish the IV." Johnny smiled a little bit but it disappeared as quickly as it came. What would he do without Daisy?
A few hours passed. Johnny went on a few runs here and there. They still hadn't heard anything about Daisy. Rose was released, and she waited along with two. Finally, Dr. Brackett came out with a smile. "Is she okay?" all three of them asked in unison.

"She is alright. The weirdest thing happened though. She woke up and asked, 'Where did He go? Did you see the Angel?'" Johnny's, Roy's, and Rose's mouths dropped.
Hey guys! Sorry it took a little while. I just want say thanks for reading this. Again, it's not the end. I'm not sure how many more chapters there will be yet. Anyways, thank you again for reading. Please vote and comment. I love to hear from you guys!

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