Chapter 9: Hero

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Sorry I haven't updated recently. I have had major writer's block. I had an idea, but it wouldn't work with the flow of the story. Anyways, enough of my life story. This chapter is dedicated to friends121914 for helping me with this idea.
"What's wrong? Your face is pale!" Johnny asked when he saw Daisy in the waiting room.

"I think I just got a little too worked up," Daisy said laying her head against the wall. Dixie walked out to the waiting room a short time later.

"Rose is going to be okay. We're going to keep her overnight to make sure everything is okay. Dr. Early had to stitch one cut up, but other than that, she'll be just fine," Dixie smiled. Daisy jumped up and hugged her. A couple hours passed. Rose was put into a room. Daisy stayed with her while she recovered. Johnny went to pick Ashlyn up from Roy's.

"Daisy, why did you go through all that trouble for me?" Rose asked when she woke up. Daisy looked at Rose astonished she would ask that.

"Rose, I care about you. Besides, we're together until the end," Daisy said looking into Rose's bright green eyes. Johnny walked in with Ashlyn which startled Daisy and Rose.

"Rose!" Ashlyn yelled as she ran to the bed. Rose's arms flew open and Ashlyn ran into them. Daisy and Johnny smiled. "When can we play firefighter again?"

"Soon. We'll play when I get out of here, okay?" Rose asked lifting Ashlyn onto her lap. Ashlyn nodded her head. Rose hugged Ashlyn then turned on the tv for her.
The next day, Johnny went to work. Daisy stayed with Rose. She was to be released later on in the day. One of Daisy's friends had a daycare and took Ashlyn in while Daisy rested. It was quiet without Ashlyn in the room. Rose was asleep, and Daisy watched tv. Halfway through the show Daisy was watching, a news broadcast interrupted.

"We interrupt this program for an urgent news update. Firefighters rush to put out a wildfire spreading crazily. We aren't aware of the total casualties at this minute, but we do know that two of the firemen have gone missing. We will keep updating every hour. Now, back to the scheduled program." Daisy sat up with panic. Rose woke up and watched also. Daisy got up and ran to find Dixie. She was the only that would know who it was.

"Dixie, do you know who it is that is missing?" Daisy asked when she found her.

"Their from 51. Don't panic on me though. It's not Johnny or Roy. They'll be here any minute with a patient. I've got to get back to work," Dixie said running to a treatment room.

"Me too," Daisy said to herself then ran to the elevator.
"What? You're leaving?" Rose asked shocked.

"They need my help. I'll be back in no time. I promise. I've got to run by the house to get my stuff. Don't worry about me, okay? I've done this stuff before."

"Okay. Stay safe!" Rose yelled as Daisy walked out the door. 'What has she gotten herself into?'
"Are you sure you want to come?" Johnny asked when Daisy told him she was coming.

"Johnny, I'll be fine. People need our help out there." Johnny nodded then helped her get into the squad. On the ride back to the fire, Johnny and Roy briefed Daisy about everything. The fire was set by an arsonist, it was Chet and Cap that were missing, and several people were still trapped. At the fire, Daisy jumped out and immediately started helping. It was back to the way things used to be. For once, she didn't feel like she didn't belong. She was where she belonged, and it was where she would stay.
Rose watched the tv screen frantically to see if she could find Daisy. Finally, there was a shot of her, Johnny, and Roy doing CPR on a victim. She relaxed. Daisy looked tired, burnt, and dirty, but she most of all looked happy to be helping. Rose smiled then snugged back down in her bed and fell asleep again. Half an hour later, someone knocked on the door and she was startled. Daisy and Johnny walked in to check on her. Rose sat up in her bed as they talked for awhile. Then they were soon called out and had to leave Rose. Rose was alone again, but she didn't care. She still had Dixie to talk to when she came in to check her vitals. Soon, she drifted off to sleep again.
Daisy took her mask off and put it on the boy's face. She and Roy went into a house to get two little boys out. Roy found the other boy in the room next to Daisy. He walked to where Daisy was to see if she needed his help. "Roy, this floor is unstable. Get the b-" Daisy screamed as the floor beneath her feet gave away and fell to the first floor taking Daisy and the boy with it. Daisy and Roy were on the second floor of the house when it happened. Roy ran to first floor to try and find Daisy, but it was no use. There was too much rubble. Roy ran outside to get Johnny and others to help. Several men ran inside to look, but had no luck of finding her. This can't be happening. Or can it?
Hey guys! As you can see, this story is coming to an end in just a few chapters. :-( Anyways, I'm hoping to write another story, but it won't have anything to do with Emergency! I know. Shocking for me. Anyways, thank you for reading this. Sorry for the delay and the shortness the book will be. This isn't the last chapter though. Stay tuned.

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