Chapter 2: A Memory

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Rose came to see Daisy after school. Johnny volunteered to pick her up for Ivy. He told her the news about Daisy and Ashlyn. Rose was excited and wanted to see her right away. At the hospital, Dixie was standing at the desk. Johnny stopped to talk to her for a few minutes.

"Security, room 202. Security, room 202," the woman said over the intercom. Dixie had a shocked look on her face.

"That's Daisy's room!" she panicked. Johnny ran to the elevator and went upstairs. When he got there, he saw the security guards arresting the man causing a commotion earlier. Johnny went straight to Daisy. She was crying and shaking.

"Daisy, what happened? What did that man do to you?" he asked her.

"He told me he was going to kill Ashlyn because I had Rose taken away from him. Then, he grabbed me and shook me," she said trying to calm back down. About that time, Rose walked in the room crying too.

"I'm so sorry, Daisy. I didn't mean for this to happen. Please forgive me! It's all my fault," she cried. Rose ran to Daisy's bedside. Daisy grabbed a hold of her and hugged her.

"It's not your fault. It never will be. I'm okay, your okay, Johnny is okay, and the baby is okay. That's what matters to me. It just startled me a little bit. Do you really think he was intimidating to me?" Daisy joked. Rose laughed at her and stood up. She wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"Anyways, when can I see the baby?" Rose asked.

"Right now," Dixie said as she walked in holding Ashlyn, "I thought this would calm everyone down. I was right." Rose laughed. She walked over to hold the baby.
Two weeks passed. Daisy was finally able to take Ashlyn home. When Daisy walked in the front door of the house, she was surprised by all of the guys at the station. They had worked on their days off to repaint the places that needed it. Daisy started crying when she saw what they did. She was so happy to have friends like them. "You all don't know how much this means to me!" she said with a big smile.

"Daisy, you're family to us. We would do anything to help you," Captain Stanley said. Daisy smiled and hugged them. "Let me see the little Boot," Captain Stanley said as Daisy carefully handed Ashlyn to him. Daisy laid down on the couch while everyone gathered around Ashlyn to tickle or talk to her in a baby voice. Then, Ashlyn started crying and all of the guys started arguing on who did it and tried to calm her down. It didn't work. Daisy rolled her eyes and got a hold of Ashlyn. She rocked her back to sleep.

"It's just a mother's touch," Daisy smiled as she headed towards the nursery to put Ashlyn in the crib. All the guys just had a shocked look on their face. Daisy just smiled and shook her head at them. She sat back down on the couch to rest. There was just one person missing from this picture and then it would be perfect. That person was Jennifer. "Johnny, I'll be back. I need to go somewhere for a little bit. You all help yourself to whatever," Daisy said as she grabbed the keys. Johnny nodded. He knew where she was going when she said that.
At the cemetery, Daisy got out of the car and walked to the grave that read, "Jennifer M. Banks". Daisy sat down next to it. Daisy talked to Jennifer's grave as if she was alive and sitting next to her. After about an hour of talking and letting things off her chest like she used to, Daisy got up, dusted her pants off, and headed back to the car. She glanced back at the grave and closed her eyes then got in the car. She felt a million times better than before. When Daisy got back to house, the others were gone. She laid back down on the couch and closed her eyes and napped until she was startled when she heard a knock on the door. She got up to answer. She opened the door to find Mike.

"Daisy, I need you to follow me. Johnny is in a bit of a pickle," he said with a smirk. Daisy started to get worried. She followed close behind him to the backyard. Sure enough, there was Johnny holding his hand. Daisy ran as fast as she could to him.

"What happened?" she asked while examining his hand. Johnny gave a little laugh. Daisy saw the splinter in his finger and just smiled at him. "I don't have just one baby to take care of," she said pulling out the splinter with her nails.

"We tried to do it on our own, but we couldn't find the tweezers," Johnny smiled at Daisy. Daisy rolled her eyes then went back in. When she got back inside, Ashlyn was having a fit. Daisy walked to the crib and picked her up. She rocked her back to sleep while humming a lullaby to her. Ashlyn fell back asleep in no time. Daisy looked at Ashlyn while she slept.

"I hope I give you a good life. You're too sweet to not have one," she said rubbing Ashlyn on the back.

Little Boots (An Emergency Fanfiction) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now