Chapter 6: The Galloping Greyhound

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It was the Fireman's Olympics. Daisy was nervous as she went on stage and sang the National Anthem. Ashlyn sat with Johnny and the guys. Johnny held Ashlyn up to where she could see. Roy even managed to make it though he was in a wheelchair. They all cheered as she finished the song and walked off the stage.

A couple hours passed, 51 was in the lead. The last event was Johnny's event. All the runners lined up to the starting line and got set. A shot was fired and they were off. Daisy, Ashlyn, and the guys cheered. Johnny was in the lead by just a little bit. He gained lead as he neared the finish line. A guy from another station caught up with Johnny. Johnny fought harder to keep first place. The finish line was getting closer. It was Johnny. It was the other guy. It was Johnny. It was the other guy. Finally, Johnny crossed the finish line with all of the guys cheering. Ashlyn ran down to the track and hugged him. Johnny sat down panting for air. Daisy ran down to give him water. "I'm tired," Johnny said between breaths.

"Oh the poor baby," Daisy joked, "At least you didn't have to sing in front of everyone." Johnny opened his mouth to say something then closed it. Daisy won that round. Joanne wheeled Roy down to the track.

"Good job, pal. Or should I say-"

"Roy, don't say it. Ashlyn is here and that is all she will call me," Johnny said looking up.

"Galloping Greyhound," Roy said to make him mad.

"Daddy's a greyhound! Daddy's a greyhound!" Ashlyn yelled skipping around. Johnny groaned and laid back on the ground. Daisy shook her head and held her hand out to help him up.

"So, when are you coming back to work? Not that I'm ready to go or anything," Daisy asked.

"Next week. You know, you can come back right?"

"Yeah, but I got to take care of Ashlyn and don't want to leave her alone especially since she has the dog now," Daisy laughed.

"Well, if you ever want it, it's there. We'd love to have you again." Daisy smiled.

"Well, we better get back to the stands. They're about to give out the trophies. Ashlyn, come on," Daisy yelled as Ashlyn ran to her and grabbed her hand.
The station ended up winning. The next day was a little bit of a tough day. The station had to go on a brushfire, a structure fire, and a traffic accident all within a three hour time frame. By the end of shift, Daisy was beat. She went home and laid on the bed after picking Ashlyn up. Ashlyn was in her room playing when Daisy heard something odd. Ashlyn was talking to someone. "Ashlyn, who are you talking to?" she asked.

"My friend."

"Who's your friend?"

"His name is Jason." Daisy's heart stopped. The name always gave her the chills after what he did to her. Daisy got up from the bed and ran in there to see him sitting on the floor playing with her.

"Get away from her!" Daisy yelled. Jason looked up.

"She's such a sweet little girl," he said holding one of her dolls.

"Get away from her!"Daisy yelled again. This time he got up from the floor. He shoved Daisy into the wall

"Why ruin our play date? We were having so much fun," he whispered into her face. Ashlyn started to cry seeing that her mommy was in trouble.

"Baby, run!" Daisy yelled as Jason drew his arm back. Ashlyn ran to Daisy and Johnny's room crying harder. Jason dropped his arm.

"We could have been together! That could have been OUR daughter!" he yelled in her face.

"There's no way in Hades I would have ever married you! I wouldn't even date you!" she screamed back.

"Kiss me!"


"Kiss me now!" he demanded.

"No!" Daisy said as he pulled his arm back ready to punch. "Go ahead. Punch me. You'll just end up in the same place as before. Jail." Jason threw a punch and hit Daisy right in the eye. Then he beat her up really bad. By the time he was finished beating her, she was left bloody and beaten. Daisy laid on the floor helpless and weak. Jason started out the door to find Ashlyn to do the same to her. Daisy wasn't about to let that happen. She grabbed his leg and pulled him down hard causing him to break his ankles. Now, he could get up. Daisy pulled herself up the best she could and stepped on his hands breaking his fingers so he wouldn't crawl. She limped into the bedroom where Ashlyn was. Ashlyn was on the phone with the station.

"Mommy just came in here. She has blood all over her. When will you be here?" she said into the phone. Daisy dropped to the floor. Everything went black. Ashlyn screamed and cried. The door was knocked in a few minutes later and Johnny and the guys ran into the bedroom. Captain Stanley picked Ashlyn up and held her while she cried into him. Johnny bandaged Daisy up and put her on the ambulance. Another squad came to back up 51. The other squad treated Jason and sent him on the ambulance as well. Johnny wasn't about to get near the creep.
At the hospital, Daisy woke back up. She was sore all over. She sat up in her hospital bed then laid back due to pain. Dixie came in to check her vitals and give her lunch. " I see you finally woke up," she joked. Daisy smiled halfway.

"I feel like I've been asleep for ages," she said rubbing her neck.

"Well, you were in a coma for about a week," Dixie said under her breath.

"What?" Daisy raised up real quick. Dixie put her hand on her shoulder and made her lay back down. "Who has been helping Johnny? Where's Ashlyn?" Daisy asked as Dixie put a thermometer in her mouth.

"Roy came back early. Ashlyn is with Joanne and her kids."

"What am I going to do? She is probably scared to death," Daisy said resting her head on her knees.

"Right now, you're going to rest and get better. Joanne will bring her up here later so she can see you. Now, lay back and relax," Dixie said helping Daisy lay back. Dixie took the thermometer out and looked at it. "I'll be back. Lay still," Dixie said heading out the door. Daisy stared at the ceiling with the vision of Jason punching her replaying in her mind. Finally, she closed her eyes and slept for a little while longer.

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