Chapter 4: Problem

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"Johnny, we have a problem. There's not enough extra paramedics to put with you as your temporary partner," Captain Stanley said the next day when Johnny got to the station. Daisy came in with him. Rose picked up Ashlyn to take her to the zoo for the day.

"Cap, if you need me to, I can work with Johnny. Ashlyn is with Rose all day. I have the training," Daisy piped in. Captain Stanley thought about it for a minute.

"Let me check with headquarters," he said reaching for the phone. A few minutes later, Daisy was in uniform and ready to go. After she got dressed, she called Rose to let her know. While she was on the phone, the tones went off for them to go on a heart attack rescue.
"Sir, I understand you have a business to run, but you just had a bad heart attack. You need to go to the hospital," Johnny said to the man. They just revived him, and now he wanted to get to work again.

"I don't have time for the hospital! I've got work to do!"the man yelled as he rummaged through papers. Daisy took matters into her hands.

"Excuse me, sir, we have work to do too. How do you expect us to our job if you won't work with us?" she asked him. The man looked at her and thought for a minute.

"You have a point. Fine. I'll go with you," he said getting up from his desk. Johnny looked at Daisy with a shocked face. Daisy smiled at him.

"You are a genius!" he smiled his crooked smile. Daisy just shrugged her arms then helped the ambulance attendees put the man in the ambulance. After they got the man taken care of at Rampart, Johnny and Daisy went to check on Roy. When they came back downstairs, they saw Rose crying into Dixie's shoulder. Daisy and Johnny ran to see what was going on.

"Rose, where's Ashlyn?" Daisy asked with worry growing.

"I tried to call the station, but you weren't there. I brought her here," she cried again.

"What happened?"

"I took her to the zoo. When we were there, she fell and busted her chin. I didn't know what to do. I'm so sorry, Daisy. I should have been more responsible," Rose calmed down. Daisy put her hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay. Stuff like this happens all the time. It's not your fault. Accidents happen." Rose nodded. Dr. Early walked out the treatment room holding Ashlyn's hand. She had her helmet on and was smiling. Ashlyn ran to hug Daisy.

"Hi, mommy. I got stitches. See them?" she asked pointing to her chin. Daisy nodded. Johnny picked her up and held her.

"It wasn't that bad of a cut, so I just stitched it up. You'll have to come back in a few days so I can take them out," Dr. Early said with a smile. Daisy was holding the handy-talkie when it went off.

"Squad 51, are you available?"

"Squad 51 available," Daisy said into the handy-talkie.

"Squad 51, respond to Engine 51's call. Structure fire. 1024 A Street. 1-0-2-4 A Street. Cross street D. Timeout 9:37."

"Squad 51, 10-4," Daisy said as Johnny put Ashlyn down and ran out the door. With lights and sirens going, they were on their way to the rescue.
"Daisy, I need you to check and see if you can find a missing kid. The mother thinks he's still inside," Captain Stanley ordered once the squad got there. Daisy nodded and started to get her air tank and lifeline on. Once Daisy got her stuff on, the two raced to the building to start the search. Inside, it was dark and smokey.

"Fire Department!" Daisy yelled through her mask. She listened for the boy to scream like they usually do, but there was no answer. She yelled again, "Fire Department! If anyone is out there, please yell!" Finally, a little cry of help could be heard. Daisy followed the cry and found the boy. She grabbed the handy-talkie and told Johnny she found the missing boy. She took her mask off and put it on the little boy's face. His lungs were full of smoke, so she needed to get him out of there as quickly as possible. When she turned around, a piece of the ceiling fell in front of her to where she couldn't get out. "I'm trapped in the room. I'm going to have to go through the window," she said into the handy-talkie. She ran to the window and busted it open with her helmet. Some of the guys on the other engines already had a ladder waiting for her. She climbed out of the window and onto the ladder just before the floor she was on caved in. "That was a close one," Daisy coughed out when she got to the bottom of the ladder. She laid the boy down on the ground and gave him some better oxygen. The ambulance arrived and took the little boy to Rampart. Daisy rode along because they put an IV in the boy.
"Daisy, you need to go get some oxygen. You're coughing up a storm," Dixie said when they arrived with the little boy.

"I'll be fine. How's the little boy?" she asked. Dixie shook her head.

"Back to your normal self I see. The boy is doing fine. He's just suffering from heat exhaustion."

"That's good. What is that supposed to mean?" Daisy asked.

"You're back to the Daisy that put others before herself. Of course, you're always that way except now you're back to work," Dixie said. Daisy blushed. Daisy coughed a lot more then decided to go get treated. Her throat was sore from breathing in the smoke, her lungs felt heavy and weak. When Dixie got the mask on Daisy's face, Daisy's lungs started clearing up instantly. Johnny walked in after he finished with the boy to check on Daisy. After a few minutes of using the oxygen, Daisy had to stop due to a wreck call.

"Here we go again," she said taking the mask off.

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