Chapter 11: I Thought You Were Dead

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Dedicated to kaylie2014. Thank you for the help.
Daisy was laying in the hospital bed playing with a piece of the blanket. Johnny walked in which startled her. She looked up from her hands and smiled. "It's good to see you again. Where is Ashlyn?" Daisy whispered.

"She's on her way. She doesn't know what happened yet," Johnny said as Daisy nodded, "How are you?"

"A little shaken still. Dixie said the boy was okay and was being sent home today."

"Yeah. I think his mother wants to see you before they leave. She has thanked me repeatedly. I told her that I wasn't the hero." Daisy smiled. A few minutes later, the door opened and the little boy walked in to talk to Daisy. Johnny went to go check in with Dixie about the results from the tests. While he was talking to Dixie, Ashlyn ran up to him crying. "Ashlyn, what's wrong, sweetie?"

"Someone told me mommy was dead!" she said crying harder. Johnny held her tight. He saw the boy that Daisy saved walking out of the elevator with his mom. That meant he could take Ashlyn to see her now. He set Ashlyn down on the floor and lowered to her height.

"Ashlyn, mommy is okay. Would you like to go see her?" he asked as she nodded her head up and down. He picked her up and waved to Dixie then headed to the elevator. Once they got to Daisy's room, Ashlyn jumped down from Johnny's grip and ran to Daisy.

"Mommy!" she yelled. Daisy started to tear up as she hugged Ashlyn tightly. Dixie interrupted their hug.

"Daisy, someone is here to see you. It's someone you really don't want to miss," she said holding the door smiling.

"Is it Chet again? Tell him I'm fine."

"Oh. So I'm Chet now?" a familiar voice boomed from the doorway. Daisy's mouth dropped at the sight of the person standing in front of her.

"Jennifer? How? I thought you were dead!" Daisy said still with a shocked face.

"I didn't really die. It was part of am undercover operation. We had to make it look real, so Reed and Malloy told you that I was dead. That's why you weren't invited to the burial. By the way, do you know how hard it is to keep still during your own funereal?" she joked, "We caught the criminal though, so now I'm here. Who is this cutie?" she asked looking at Ashlyn who at this point was just as confused as Johnny and Daisy.

"Oh. Right after the news about your 'death', I found out I was pregnant. Ashlyn meet Jennifer," Daisy said. Ashlyn waved.

"Come here!" Jennifer said as she opened her arms. Ashlyn looked at Daisy then Johnny to make sure it was okay then ran to Jennifer. "What's her full name?"

"Ashlyn Marie Gage."

"Aw, you named her after me. Anyways, I got to get back to work. I heard about the accident and came to check on you and tell you I'm alive. I'll drop back by later," Jennifer said putting Ashlyn on the end of the bed.

"Okay. Be safe. Don't get yourself killed, again!" Daisy said laughing. Jennifer laughed as she walked out the door. A few minutes later, the guys from the station came in to check on Daisy. Chet's face was pale. "What's wrong Chet? You look like you've seen a ghost," Daisy teased.

"Is it me or did Jennifer just pass us in the hall?" Daisy rolled her eyes then explained. It was going to be a long visit.
"Daisy, I have some very big news," Dr. Brackett started nervously yet excited.

"What's wrong?" she asked concerned. Dr. Brackett took a moment to try and find the right words but couldn't. Dixie came to his aid.

"You're pregnant." Daisy's eyes widened.

"Really? Right when I was going to go back to work. Are you sure?" she asked.

"I'm as sure as sure is sure," Dixie teased, "Now you'll have two little angels!" Daisy chuckled. Johnny walked in. He was out due to a rescue.

"What did I miss?" he asked looking at Daisy's shocked look.

"Johnny, we are going to have a baby!" Daisy exclaimed. His eyes widened then he went to Daisy and hugged her.

"This is great news! I'm going to go tell Roy!" Johnny said walking out the door.

"Someone is excited," Dixie chuckled. Daisy shook her head then laid back. It was the perfect time to relax. Ashlyn was with Rose back at the house, Johnny was talking to Roy, and no one else was visiting for awhile. Dixie and Brackett left as Daisy slowly drifted off to sleep. Darkness took over and she was asleep.
(Daisy's Dream)
"Just hang on. I'll get us out of here," I said to the crying boy in my arms. Roy walked in and tried to help. "Roy, grab the boy. The floor is about to-" The floor crack underneath my feet, and I fell through still holding the boy in my arms. I moved the boy to where he on top of me as I turned my body to where I would land first. Our bodies hit the floor. As debris started to fall, I quickly put myself over the boy to protect him. Several pieces cut into me as they fell around us. Finally, one big piece knocked me unconscious. Out of nowhere, there is a man standing in front of me, but it's too bright for me to see who it is. He came to me and held His hand out to help me up. I knew who it was when I saw a hole in the middle of His hand. His voice sounded like silk as He told me that I couldn't stay. I asked why, and He said that it was because I have a huge purpose on Earth and that people need me there. I nodded my head as He grabbed my hand and told me something I will never forget.

"Never give up."

Daisy woke up sweating. Johnny looked at her concerned. "Just a flashback." That's all she said before going back to sleep. It truly was an angel that saved her and the boy.
A/N:I know some people aren't Christian. All I have to say is if you don't like it, stop reading. Anyways, in Daisy's dream, it's not something that has really happened before. To me at least. It just came from heart. Okay, Explanation over. Vote and comment. I'd love to hear from you please. I'll try to get the next chapter out ASAP. Thank you for reading. Also, a thank you goes out to kaylie2014 for helping out with this chapter. :-)

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