Chapter 11

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Raven entered the living room while holding her, "Hey," multiple men said softly.

"How is she, Raven?"

"She okay, Doc," Raven said as he sat by the fireplace. "Cold but okay."

"Is she hungry?" another one asked. "She can drink from us if she is hungry."

"Ты все еще голоден, Котенок? Ty vse yeshche goloden, Kotenok? (Are you still hungry, Kitten?" Raven asked softly. "Можешь пить из моей семьи, если хочешь. Они сказали, что у них все в порядке, я обещаю. Mozhesh' pit' iz moyey sem'i, yesli khochesh'. Oni skazali, chto u nikh vse v poryadke, ya obeshchayu. (You can drink from my family if you are. They said they are perfectly fine with it, I promise.)" She shook her head and he nodded, "Okay, maybe later."

"That's fine," another one said. "Just let us know."

"Da, thanks," Raven nodded. "Почему бы мне не представить тебя всем, Котенок? Так вы сможете с ними познакомиться. Мы поработаем над вашим английским позже. Pochemu by mne ne predstavit' tebya vsem, Kotenok? Tak vy smozhete s nimi poznakomit'sya. My porabotayem nad vashim angliyskim pozzhe. (Why don't I introduce you to everyone, Kitten? That way you can get to know them. We will work on your english later.)"

Alyona sat up and looked into Raven's eyes then nodded, "Da." She turned around in his lap and smiled softly as he wrapped one of his hands around her stomach holding her still against him.

The Native American waved when Raven pointed to him, "I'm Axel."

The man next to him had two different colored eyes, one was blue and one was green, "I'm Marc."

Standing next to him were twin that had blonde hair and blue eyes. The one wearing a yellow shirt waved, "I'm Corey."

"And I'm Brandon," said the one wearing a red shirt.

The man standing next to them was wearing a three-piece suit and he had grey eyes that reminded her of steel. He wore black rimmed glasses and adjusted his cuff links before clearing his throat, "I'm Owen."

"And I'm Dr. Sean Green," the blonde-haired man with green eyes smiled.

The man with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes waved, "I'm Victor."

"I'm Luke," The man with a mischievous smile on his lips beamed. He reminded her of those blonde haired men in magazines.

The man dressed in all black nodded, "I'm North."

"Oy, I'm Gabe," the man wearing a bright orange shirt smiled. He wore a lot of jewelry she noticed and she had caught him fixing his hair a few times.

"I'm Kota," the man wearing black rimmed glassed and had bright green eyes smiled softly.

The man with red hair half waved, "I'm Nathan."

"And I'm Silas," said the man with dark eyes and black hair said as he leaned against the wall.

"Alyona," she said as she ran her fingers over Raven's bracelet absentmindedly.

"Ничего страшного, если вы не вспомните имена всех сразу. Nichego strashnogo, yesli vy ne vspomnite imena vsekh srazu. (It's okay if you don't remember everyone's name right away.)" Corey smiled softly. She looked at him shocked, "Я все еще учу русский, я не так хорош, но понимаю лучше, чем говорю. Я могу помочь перевести, если Рейвен занята, и научить вас английскому языку, если хотите. YA vse yeshche uchu russkiy, ya ne tak khorosh, no ponimayu luchshe, chem govoryu. YA mogu pomoch' perevesti, yesli Reyven zanyata, i nauchit' vas angliyskomu yazyku, yesli khotite. (I'm still learning Russian, I'm not that good but I can understand better than speak. I can help translate if Raven is busy and help teach you English if you want.)"

"Спасибо. Spasibo. (Thank you.") She nodded.

"Кори отлично говорит по-русски, Котенок. Kori otlichno govorit po-russki, Kotenok. (Corey speaks excellent Russian, Kitten.)" Raven smiled proudly.

"Давай, Алёна, устроим тебе приятную расслабляющую ванну. Я уверен, что у меня есть кое-что, что ты можешь надеть. Мы можем пройтись по магазинам, когда ты захочешь. Davay, Alona, ustroim tebe priyatnuyu rasslablyayushchuyu vannu. YA uveren, chto u menya yest' koye-chto, chto ty mozhesh' nadet'. My mozhem proytis' po magazinam, kogda ty zakhochesh'. (Come on Alyona, let's get you in a nice relaxing bath. I'm sure I have something that you can wear. We can go shopping when you feel up to it.)" Natasha said standing and holding her hand out for Alyona to take.

"Gabe go shopping," Raven nodded. "He get clothes while you in bath."

Gabe beamed, "Gladly."

Nikolai entered the room and held a cup out for her to take. She took it then took a sip and looked at him shocked then smiled. He kissed her forehead then moved out of the way so Natasha could gently lead her out of the room.

"Clothes too big on her, Gabe," Raven growled once she was out of hearing range. "Too skinny."

 "Got it," Gabe nodded. "I'll grab different sizes and I can alter if I need to, it's no big deal. Come on Vic, let's go shopping."

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