Chapter 33

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"Hey Babe, have fun?" Brandon as North parked his truck and he, Silas, and Alyona got out.

"Da," she smiled as Brandon hugged her.

"Good," he smiled. "Raven's inside in his room if you want to go see him."

"Спасибо. Spasibo. (Thank you.)" She said as she headed inside. She opened Raven's door and smiled seeing him at his desk cleaning his guns. "Bear."

"Kitten," he smiled as she came up behind and wrapped her arms around him before nuzzling into his neck seeking comfort. "Have fun?"

"Da," she whispered.

"Drink?" he asked and she shook her head. "Cuddles?" she nodded and he tossed his things down before pulled her around to sit in his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head. "143637, Kitten, 6."

"Спасибо. Spasibo. (Thank you.)" She smiled as she leaned into his hold even more. "143."

She sat there for a few minutes loving being in his arms and he smiled loving having her in his arms as his beloved. "Сиди здесь сколько хочешь, котенок. Когда захочешь, я обниму тебя, любовь моя. Sidi zdes' skol'ko khochesh', kotenok. Kogda zakhochesh', ya obnimu tebya, lyubov' moya. (Sit here as long as you want, Kitten. Whenever you want, I'll hold you, my love.)"

She sighed in content and just sat there. After some time she heard a loud roar and sat up looking around confused. "Что это такое? Chto eto takoye? (What is that?)"

Raven chuckled, "Брэндон работает над своим мотоциклом. Brendon rabotayet nad svoim mototsiklom. (Brandon is working on his motorcycle.)" He smirked, "Go look, Kitten."

She got off his lap, kissed his cheek then left the room. Heading outside she went over to the workshop where the noise was coming from. Seeing Brandon, she walked over to him, "Что ты делаешь, Брэндон? Chto ty delayesh', Brendon? (What are you doing, Brandon?)"

"Я собираюсь прокатиться, Бэйб. YA sobirayus' prokatit'sya, Beyb. (I'm about to go for a ride, Babe." He smiled then laughed when he saw her shocked face. "Пока ты ходил на уроки английского с Котой, Рэйвен и Кори учили нас немного русскому, детка. Poka ty khodil na uroki angliyskogo s Kotoy, Reyven i Kori uchili nas nemnogo russkomu, detka. (While you were taking your English classes with Kota, Raven and Corey were teaching us some Russian, Babe.)" She beamed and nodded. "Хочешь покататься со мной? Khochesh' pokatat'sya so mnoy? (Do you want to go for a ride with me?)"

"Da," She nodded excitedly.

He beamed and nodded then killed the bike. "Отлично, тогда нам нужно купить тебе шлем и куртку. Otlichno, togda nam nuzhno kupit' tebe shlem i kurtku. (Great, then we need to go buy you a helmet and jacket.)"

"Nyet have one?" She asked confused and he shook his head.

"Мы с Норт никогда не позволяли никому ехать с нами. Парни не любят кататься, и мы отказались от того, чтобы с нами катался кто-то еще, так как это не наш любимый человек. Когда кто-то едет с тобой, это особенное дело, и мы с Норт договорились, что с нами будут ехать только наши любимые. Поскольку ребята не хотели, мы ждали, захочет ли наш последний возлюбленный. Мы не собирались что-то покупать, а им это не нравится или они не хотят кататься. Итак, давай я возьму ключи, и мы купим тебе шлем и куртку, а потом покатаемся, хорошо? My s Nort nikogda ne pozvolyali nikomu yekhat' s nami. Parni ne lyubyat katat'sya, i my otkazalis' ot togo, chtoby s nami katalsya kto-to yeshche, tak kak eto ne nash lyubimyy chelovek. Kogda kto-to yedet s toboy, eto osobennoye delo, i my s Nort dogovorilis', chto s nami budut yekhat' tol'ko nashi lyubimyye. Poskol'ku rebyata ne khoteli, my zhdali, zakhochet li nash posledniy vozlyublennyy. My ne sobiralis' chto-to pokupat', a im eto ne nravitsya ili oni ne khotyat katat'sya. Itak, davay ya voz'mu klyuchi, i my kupim tebe shlem i kurtku, a potom pokatayemsya, khorosho? (North and I never let anyone ride with us. The guys don't like riding and we refused to have someone else ride with us since they weren't our beloved. Having someone ride with you is a special thing and North and I agreed only our beloveds would ride with us. Since the guys didn't want to, we were waiting to see if our final beloved wanted to. We weren't going buy something and they not like it or not want to go riding. So, let me get my keys and we'll go get you a helmet and jacket then we can go riding, okay?)"

She gasped at what he told her and smiled, feeling so special then hugged him tightly. "Da," she whispered as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you for wanting to go riding with me," he said softly. She nodded and when she finally stepped back, he grabbed his keys then opened his truck door for her. "I told Raven where we were going through the mind link so he knows," he said as he drove to the motorcycle shop. She nodded then looked out the window to watch everything pass them by.

Once at the shop, Brandon smirked as she took everything in. He loved helping her find a jacket and her trying on the helmets. After finding what she wanted, they headed back to the house.

"Look at you Baby," North smirked as she showed them what they got. "You are sexy."

She blushed which made him chuckle. "Alright, you ready to ride, Babe?" Brandon asked with pride.

"Be careful," North warned.

"Oh I will," Brandon agreed.

"Have fun, Kitten," Raven smiled.

"Da," She nodded.

Brandon held her hand as they walked over to his bike. He helped her get on then he got on. "Hold my waist, Babe," he commanded and she gripped his sides as he started it. Smirking he jolted the bike forward making her fall into his back. He grabbed her hands and wrapped them around his stomach, then he took off, loving having his Babe riding his bike with him.

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