Chapter 29

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Alyona woke up and carefully climbed out of bed, making sure she didn't wake up the sleeping men. She slipped on some shorts and the black tee that was laying on top of her dresser, smiling when she smelt the scent of gun power surround her.

Opening the door to Raven's room she looked around and pouted slightly when she didn't see him. Я в гостиной, котенок. YA v gostinoy, kotenok. (I'm in the living room, Kitten.) He said through the mind link. Smiling softly she left his room and started walking towards her destination.

"Kitten," he smiled as he sat his gun cleaning stuff down when she walked into the living room.

"Медведь. Medved'. (Bear.)" She smiled as she walked over to him. He instantly pushed his chair back and wrapped his arm around her stomach as she sat in his lap.

"Ты пахнешь Гейбом и Шоном, вкусный котенок. Ty pakhnesh' Geybom i Shonom, vkusnyy kotenok. (You smell like Gabe and Sean, yummy Kitten.)" He smirked as he nibbled on her shoulder. "Люблю видеть тебя в моей рубашке, Киттен. Очень сексуально. Lyublyu videt' tebya v moyey rubashke, Kitten. Ochen' seksual'no. (Love seeing you in my shirt, Kitten. Very sexy.)"

""Медведь. Medved'. (Bear.)" She whispered as she relaxed into his hold.

"143637," he whispered into her ear, "6, Kitten."

"Откуда ты всегда знаешь, что мне нужно? Otkuda ty vsegda znayesh', chto mne nuzhno? (How do you always know what I need?)"

"Потому что я знаю тебя. Ты мой Возлюбленный, Котенок, еще до того, как мы узнали, я знал, что ты мой. Поэтому я дал тебе чашу с фруктами, я знал, что ты моя любовь. Я не была бы хорошей родственной душой, если бы не понимала и не знала тебя. Кроме того, было бы логично, если бы вы сейчас были сбиты с толку и нервничали, и нуждались бы в моем подтверждении, что я в порядке с тем, что только что произошло. Я могу сказать тебе повеселиться, и все в порядке, чего я хочу, но тебе всегда нужно было показывать больше, чем слова, Котенок. Просто ты такой. А теперь, почему бы тебе не взять свой хорошенький проект и не поработать над ним, пока я буду чистить свое оружие? Potomu chto ya znayu tebya. Ty moy Vozlyublennyy, Kotenok, yeshche do togo, kak my uznali, ya znal, chto ty moy. Poetomu ya dal tebe chashu s fruktami, ya znal, chto ty moya lyubov'. YA ne byla by khoroshey rodstvennoy dushoy, yesli by ne ponimala i ne znala tebya. Krome togo, bylo by logichno, yesli by vy seychas byli sbity s tolku i nervnichali, i nuzhdalis' by v moyem podtverzhdenii, chto ya v poryadke s tem, chto tol'ko chto proizoshlo. YA mogu skazat' tebe poveselit'sya, i vse v poryadke, chego ya khochu, no tebe vsegda nuzhno bylo pokazyvat' bol'she, chem slova, Kotenok. Prosto ty takoy. A teper', pochemu by tebe ne vzyat' svoy khoroshen'kiy proyekt i ne porabotat' nad nim, poka ya budu chistit' svoye oruzhiye? (Because I know you. You are my Beloved, Kitten, even before we knew, I knew you were mine. Hence why I gave you the fruit cup, I knew you are my love. I wouldn't be a good soulmate if I didn't understand you and know you. Besides, it would make sense you would be confused and nervous right now and need reassurance from me that I'm okay with what just happened. I can tell you to have fun and it's okay all I want, but you have always needed showing more than words, Kitten. It's just how you are. Now why don't you go get your pretty little project and work on it while I clean my guns?)"

She smiled and nodded then got her miniature things and sat them down on the table after he cleared off a spot. Giggling softly when he pulled her back into his lap, she relaxed feeling his arms trap her in while he worked. She opened the book of instructions and began to look for the next step she needed to work on.

"Hey Raven?" Sean and Gabe's voices came an hour later from down the hall.

"Kitten in here!" Raven chuckled as he held one of the tiny furniture items so she could glue the accessories to it easier. "You okay, Pookie?" Sean asked as they walked into the room and each kissed the top of her head.

"Da," she said without looking at them as she carefully glued the piece to the small house. "Yay," she smiled looking up at them proudly.

"Very fucking neat," Gabe smiled as he looked at it. "Looks like you are done."

"Nyet," she shook her head. "Two more then lights."

"But she nyet comfortable doing lights," Raven shook his head, "see North do it later for Kitten."

"Sure," North said looking up from the motorcycle magazine he was looking it. "It'll be no problem, Baby, just let me know when."

She smiled gratefully at him, "Спасибо. Spasibo. (Thank you.)"

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