Chapter 14

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Alyona jumped when a box was dropped in front of her. Raven chuckled as she glared at him. "Look," he said in English as he pointed to the box. They had spent the morning working on her English and he was very proud of the fact she was a fast learner.

"What?" She asked as she picked up the box then gasped. It was a do-it-yourself miniature house kit. "Bear Bear," She looked up at him excited, "Da?"

"Da," He nodded, "have fun."

"Here," Victor said as he handed her a bag. She opened it to find various crafting tools like an exact-o knife, different kinds of tweezers, wire cutters, glue, and other things she could possibly need. "Enjoy."

"Thank you," she said slowly as she thought about it.

"Good Kitten," Raven smiled as he kissed the top of her head.

"You're welcome," Victor smiled as Silas started clearing off the table for her.

"If you need any help just let us know," Silas said smiling at her. Raven translated and she nodded then opened it, excited to try it out. She couldn't believe that Raven had noticed her looking at various ones when she felt strong enough to venture into town and walk amongst the people. But at the same time, she wasn't that surprised because he always seemed to know little things about her, guess it was just from being best friends for so long.

She opened the instructions and got started. "Alyona." She jumped when she felt fingers on her shoulder. "Sorry, I said your name three times," Corey said stepping back and holding his hands up. He repeated what he said in Russian.

"Sorry," she said shaking her head. " hear."

"Вы действительно были сосредоточены на своей работе. Выглядит отлично, но Рэйвен хотел, чтобы я сказал вам, что он занят разговором о чем-то со своим отцом, и пора обедать. Он присоединится через несколько минут. Vy deystvitel'no byli sosredotocheny na svoyey rabote. Vyglyadit otlichno, no Reyven khotel, chtoby ya skazal vam, chto on zanyat razgovorom o chem-to so svoim ottsom, i pora obedat'. On prisoyedinitsya cherez neskol'ko minut. (You were really focused on your work. It looks excellent but Raven wanted me to tell you that he is busy talking to his father about something and it's time for lunch. He will join in a few minutes.)"

"Da," she nodded. "Приступаю к изготовлению. Извините, что потерял счет времени. Pristupayu k izgotovleniyu. Izvinite, chto poteryal schet vremeni. (I'll get started on making it. Sorry for losing track of time.)"

"Марк и Люк уже приготовили обед, он готов. Mark i Lyuk uzhe prigotovili obed, on gotov. (Marc and Luke already made lunch, it's ready.)" Corey shook his head.

"Извините, я буду лучше следить за временем. Izvinite, ya budu luchshe sledit' za vremenem. (I'm sorry, I'll keep better track of time.)" She whimpered blinking back tears.

Corey raised his hands to take her shaking hands then quickly pulled them away when she flinched, "It's okay Alyona. It's okay." He opened his mind link Raven you need to get down here now. I accidentally triggered Alyona and—

I on way Raven thought back and by the time Corey blinked Raven was in the room holding Alyona. Corey told him what happened, and Raven nodded in understanding.

"She think you take away present for part punishment probably," Raven explained. "You know rest."

"I know," Corey nodded, "I'm sorry for bothering your talk but I knew she isn't comfortable with us yet."

"It's okay," Nikolai said as he came into the room. "Take time, lunch can wait until ready."

"Все в порядке, Котенок, у тебя не будет проблем, обещаю. Vse v poryadke, Kotenok, u tebya ne budet problem, obeshchayu. (It's okay Kitten, you're not in trouble, I promise.)" He said repeatedly as he held her and ran his fingers up and down her back in a soothing manner. She tried apologizing again and he chuckled, "Я говорил тебе, что Марк и Люк любят готовить, тебе не обязательно готовить, если ты этого не хочешь. Нет ничего плохого в том, что мы готовим, котенок. Вам больше не нужно делать все. Позвольте нам позаботиться о вас сейчас. YA govoril tebe, chto Mark i Lyuk lyubyat gotovit', tebe ne obyazatel'no gotovit', yesli ty etogo ne khochesh'. Net nichego plokhogo v tom, chto my gotovim, kotenok. Vam bol'she ne nuzhno delat' vse. Pozvol'te nam pozabotit'sya o vas seychas. (I told you that Marc and Luke like to cook, you don't have to cook unless you want to. There is nothing wrong with us cooking, Kitten. You don't have to do everything anymore. Let us take care of you now.)"

"Yevgeny," she looked at him scared and he smiled gently.

"143637," he said softly.

She smiled weakly as he wiped a couple of tears away, "143637."

"Good girl," he smiled, "Now let's eat."

She nodded, "Da."

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