The Hand That Rocks the Mabel [Pt. 2]

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♦️{No one's POV}♦️

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♦️{No one's POV}♦️

At the Shack, Mabel is pacing.

Mabel: "...I mean, he's so nice, but.. I can't keep doing this. Ahh! I have no way out!" She shouted in a panic.

[Y/N] and Dipper walk in.

Dipper: "What the fuck happened on that date?"

Mabel: "I don't know! I was in the friend zone, and then before I knew what was happening, he pulled me into the romance zone. It was like fucking quick sand!!"

Dipper: "Mabel, come on. It's not like you're gonna have to marry that bitch."

Stan then walks in.

Stan: "Great news, Mabel. You have to marry Gideon!"

[Y/N]: "Great. Now you jinxed it." He said with a frown.

Mabel: "WHAT!?" She shouted in shock.

Stan: "It's all part of my long term deal with Buddy Gleeful. There's a lot of cash tied up in this thing. Plus I got this shirt."

Then he gestures to his 'Team Gideon' shirt.

Stan: "...ughh, I am fat..."

[Y/N] chuckles and mutters 'yeah'.

Mabel then freaks out and starts screaming while running out of the room.

Stan: "Bodies change, honey. Bodies change......"

[Y/N]: "Indeed they do......" He said as he crossed his arms and nodded.

[Y/N] and Dipper then walk into the attic and seeing that Mabel put her sweater on and was hiding in it.

Dipper: "Oh no... Mabel......"

Mabel: "Mabel's not here. She's in sweater town..."

[Y/N]: "Well, are you gonna come out of this little sweater town of yours?" He asked while sitting next to her.

Mabel just whines and shakes her head.

Dipper: "All right, enough is enough. If you can't break up with Gideon, [Y/N] and I will do it for you."

Mabel: "You will?"

[Y/N]: "I will?" He asked while pointing to himself.

Dipper then nods.

Mabel gets up while her brother grabbed [Y/N] by the sleeve of his sweater; bringing him to his feet.

Mabel then hugs both Dipper and [Y/N].

Mabel: "You guys are the best! Thank you thank you thank you!" She said as she let go of Dipper and [Y/N].

Dipper: "All right. Let's go."

[Y/N]: "Sigh, now I've gotta face this little shit gremlin, at least it's worth it." He said.

❌ timeskip ❌

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