♦️Dipper vs. Manliness♦️

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♦️{No one's POV}♦️

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♦️{No one's POV}♦️

The Mystery Musketeers', along with Stan were all outside the Shack; chatting with the the town's local enthusiasm enthusiast and future mayor of Gravity Falls, Tyler Cutebiker.

Tyler: "I like to get my Christmas shopping done early. Do you have anything that's in the spirit of the season?"

Stan: "Uh, how about these crystals?" He questioned.

He then puts a bowl of 'crystals' on the counter.

Tyler: "Ha ha! Looks like broken glass." He pointed out.

Stan: "What are you, a cop?" He asked, skeptically.

[Y/N] quickly teleported by the bowl and started eating the glass; unaware of someone gazing at him.

Tyler: "Ooh! What is that new thing?" He cheerfully asked.

Dipper: "Grunkle Stan?"

Mabel: "Can we go to the diner? We're huuungry..."

Mabey: "Huuuuungry..." She whined again and fell to her knees.

[Y/N] was just watching as he started eating the bowl after eating the glass.

'Hilarious...' [Y/N] thought.

Stan: "Yeah, sure. Soon as this yahoo makes up his mind." He irritatedly said.

Tyler: "Do you have this in another animal?" He asked as he pointed at a fur trout.

Stan: "I'm fine locking him inside if you are." He replied.

The twins and [Y/N] then nod in agreement.

{Outside Shack}

Stan has clumsily locked Tyler in the gift shop.

Tyler was just chanting 'puma shirt' multiple times, until he paused and started chanting 'panther shirt'.

The Mystery trio; along with Stan, were at the Diner.

The waitress hits a woodpecker on a wall and a beaver in a hole in the floor with a broom.

McGucket: "Coffee! Coffee! Coffee! Coffee!" He loudly chanted.

Sheriff Blubs is seen eating pancakes very quickly, while Deputy Durland uses a speeding device at him as he chanted 'Go!' multiple times.

The twins, [Y/N] and Stan's table; Lazy Susan then walks up to their table.

Stan: "Lazy Susan! There's my little ray of sunshine! Where were you yesterday?"

Lazy Susan: "I got hit by a bus!" She joyfully replied as she smiled.

Stan: "Hahahaha! Hilarious!" He laughed.

Lazy Susan: "Thank you. Hahahaha hee hee ho ho ho." She also laughed.

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