Little Dipper [Pt.5]

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👹〰️〰️〰️👹"Fuck sleep! What's that! Oh shit

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"Fuck sleep! What's that! Oh shit. . . aren't I suposed to be writing a story or something?"

~( 一一)💤

-.. .-+++

♦️{No one's POV}♦️

[Y/N] looked at the twins for a moment before making a smug.

[Y/N]: "Hah! As if, why would I do that?" He exclaimed while getting up and laughed.

Dipper: "[Y/N] this isn't funny! Don't care about us?"

Mabel: "Yeah! Aren't we your best bitches?"

[Y/N]: "For starters, my best bitches wouldn't make fun of me or exclude me from the fun!" He says as he crosses his arms and grits his teeth.

Mabel: "I'm sorry for teasing about your height, I promise to do whatever you want for a whole with no complaints!" She states with pleading eyes - she nudges her brother, who grumbled before sighing.

Dipper: "I'll also let you mess around with the ray and do whatever you say for a week as well.." He muttered.

[Y/N] huffed before taking a step back before re-growing the twins with the flashlight. Mabel measures her height with her brother's and smiled.

Mabel: "Perfect! Now things are the way they're supposed to be!" She said.

Mabel: "'re gonna let me keep my extra millimeter?" She asked Dipper.

Dipper: "You've earned it." He said with a small smile.

Mabel: "Awww! Thanks! Little brothe--!"

Dipper: "Stop it..."

Mabel: "Well I guess we should destroy this thing. You know, so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands and junk."

[Y/N] casually throws the flashlight to the ground and completely crushes it with his foot.

Dipper: "Well, that's one way of doing it." He remarks.

Mabel then nudged Dipper on the shoulder, hinting to her brother to go up and talk to [Y/N].
Dipper rolled his eyes and walks up to his best friend; tapping him on the shoulder.

[Y/N] turns around and faces Dipper.

Dipper: "Hey, [Y/N]. I--"

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