♦️The Tourist Trap♦️

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+ TW: mentions of blood and bits of gore +

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+ TW: mentions of blood and bits of gore +

There was a nice morning breeze blowing through the lushes green grass and the long soft leaves of the tall trees in the forest.

There was a boy that seemed to be around the age of twelve with [h/l] [h/c] hair and [e/c] eyes. He was wearing [f/c] overalls with a red shirt and some old rundown sneakers.

He sitting on a large rock while admiring the view of the sky.

♦️{[Y/N]'s POV}

I was busy relaxing when I suddenly heard a noise. I quickly run to the source of it and saw a boy chopping some wood.

So I quickly snuck up behind him while he was to busy caught up in his work.

[Y/N]: "BOO!!"

Boy: "AaH!!" He screamed as he swang his axe hit my face; causing me to fall over to the ground as blood came out of the large gash on the side of my head.

I started laughing as I he panicked and tried helping me. I just got up and the wound I once had was completely healed.

[Y/N]: "Haha! Your reaction! Man it was hilarious!"

Boy: "The fuck is wrong with you! Who are you and what are you even?"

[Y/N]: "Calm down man - I'm [Y/N]! What about you?"

I put out my hand for him to shake. He just looks at it and smacks it away. Jeez, rude.

Dipper: "I'm Dipper, and you still haven't answered my second question..." He says as he puts his hands in his pockets.

[Y/N]: "That's a secret! Anywho, what are you doing out here in the forest?"

Dipper: "I'm just chopping some wood, now leave me alone." He answered while picking up the axe.

Dipper: "Wait. What are you doing here?" He asked; preparing to lift his axe.

[Y/N]: "Well I was jus--" I was then cut off by a metallic sound coming from the tree Dipper hit when he lifted his axe.

He turns around; wiping away some dust and opens a secret window revealing a mechanical box with two control switches on top. I walk and stand beside him.

He tests one control but nothing happens. I then tried the other one. Behind us, a hole opens up in the ground as gompers bleats and runs away.

Dipper: "What the...?"

We both look inside the hole, and there is a book. Dipper puts the book on the ground, and checks for other people watching. I flip one page and there's an eye-glass. I look through the eye-glass and put it down as Dipper flips another page and begins reading out loud.

Dipper: "It's hard to believe it's been six years since I began studying the strange and wondrous secrets of Gravity Falls, Oregon."

He flips through pages after pages.

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