The inconveniencing [Pt.4]

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♦️{[Y/N]'s POV}

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♦️{[Y/N]'s POV}

Wendy: "What are we gonna do? They already got Mabel!"

[Y/N]: "Our dead bodies and souls." I bluntly said.

Wendy justs look at me with a deadpanned look as I just make a wicked grin.

Dipper: "... I got an idea.." He muttered as he pulled out this metal baseball bat.

[Y/N]: "Woah! Where did you find that?!" I asked in surprise, but he PT ignores me and got out of the machine.

Wendy: "Dipper...?" She questioned.

PT also ignored her and began walking up to the ghost.

[Y/N]: "He's gonna fight them!!" I excitedly screamed.

Wendy: "Dipper! Come back!" She cried out.

♦️{No one's POV}♦️

Dipper: "Hey ghost!" He called out.

(Pa)Mabel then twist their head around to face Dipper; they then turn the rest of their body towards him.

Dipper: "Get... away... from... MU SISTER!!" He shouted.

Dipper suddenly runs up to (Pa)Mabel and immediately swings at their head. Dipper managed to knock out his sister, who'd flopped to the ground with the ghost leaving her body.

Dipper quickly rushes towards his sister.

[Y/N]: "Haha!! He did it!" He said before getting out of the ice machine.

Wendy: "[Y/N]! Not you too!!"

Pa: "Ugh! Kids these days! It's about time I--" He cut himself off when he took not of [Y/N].

Pa: "DEMON!! THE DEVIL HAS COME BACK FOR US!!" He shrieked, confusing the others.

Suddenly, Pa's wife appeared beside him.

Ma: "The Demon's back!? Where?!" She cried and her husband pointed to [Y/N].

[Y/N]: "Hello--!"

Ma and Pa just scream before leaving.
Wendy finally left the ice machine and now stood beside [Y/N].

Wendy: "What was that all about?"

[Y/N] just shrugged.

Mabel wakes up and sat up with the help of her brother.

Mabel: "Ugghh... my head hurts... what happened...?" She groggily uttered as she head her head.

Dipper: "You at too much Smile Dip."

Lee: "What--what happened after everything went crazy?" He asked Wendy.

Wendy: "Guys! You're are not going to believe it! The ghosts appeared! Dipper just grabbed a bat, and beat the ghosts down!" She exclaimed to the others.

Nate: "Alright! Dr. Funtimes!" He cheered.

Wendy only stared at him before sighing, already feeling drained of energy.


Everyone except Dipper, [Y/N] and Wendy sleeping in the van.

Wendy: "Well, I'm probably scared for life." She uttered.

Dipper: "Yeah, that was fucking crazy."

[Y/N] chuckles.

[Y/N]: "I know right."

Wendy: "I think I'll go stare at a wall for a while and RETHINK EVERYTHING. Hey, next time we hang out, let's stay at the Mystery Shack. Okay?"

Dipper: "Next time? Yeah, let's hang out at the Shack! Sure." He said with a small smile.

[Y/N]: "I'm fine with whatever, as long as it's fun and life risking!" He joyfully exclaimed.

Dipper gets in the car as [Y/N] does the same after.

Dipper: "Next time......" He muttered and sits next to Mabel. Mabel groans as she sees the thing that she wrote earlier.

Mabel: "What kind of sick joke is this?"

The car drives away from the store, and the lights go out in the store.



Stan: "Ah, the wedding. I've waited so long for this. Oh, look at her in that dress!" He angrily shouted with joy as people on the TV gasp.

Stan: "... Count Lionel? What's he doin' here?!" He angrily shouted.


Count Lionel: "I've come to reclaim my bride!"


Stan: "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!"


Man: "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!" He exclaimed.


Stan: "That's what I'm SAYING! UuuaaaAAAAGGGHHH!!" He cries.

Outside, Dipper, Mabel and [Y/N] are walking to the door. The television flies out the window and hits [Y/N].

Stan: "Uh, couldn't find the remote."


⭕️ :fun fact: ⭕️

> [Y/N] has terrorized the two ghosts before sometime awhile ago.


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