♦️Fight Fighters♦️

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Soos was showing Mabel and Stan around an arcade somewhere in the little town of Gravity falls

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Soos was showing Mabel and Stan around an arcade somewhere in the little town of Gravity falls.

♦️{Mabel's POV}

Soos: "This is it dudes, my favorite place in Gravity Falls. Everything I know, I learned right here. A frog taught me how to cross a street. When my house was haunted, I learned how to eat ghosts. And this thing taught me how to dance."

McGucket: "Woo-hoo-hoo! I've been jiggin' here for 7 days straight!" We hear him say as he was dancing on an out of order dancing machine.

Mabel: "Uh, Soos..." I said as I pick up the plug to the dance machine.

Soos: "Let him have this."

♦️{[Y/N]'s POV}

I rest my elbow on PT's shoulder and leaned against him hters', with the characters such as 'Rumble McSkirmish'? and 'Dr. Karate'? with Ice.

They were busy shouting and cheering as the characters from the game were busy shouting some combo moves.

'How lame, but entertaining! It's been awhile since I played a video game! I should play with Biscuit some time!'

I was soon brought out of my thoughts as PT won.

Wendy: "What? You cheated." She joked with a smile.

Dipper: "YOU TAKE THAT BAAAACK! Haha." He said while imitating that Rumble character.

PT suddenly threw his arms in the air, which ended up with losing my balance and falling to the ground.

Dipper: "Hey [Y/N], you okay?" He asked casually with not much concern.

I just giggle as I posed on the floor.

[Y/N]: "Of course I am! I did fall for you after all!" I joked with a smug smile.

Wendy: "Dayum!" She laughed as she helped me up.

♦️{Dipper's POV}

I just ended up clicking my tongue as I looked away while I feel my cheeks burning.

'Shit... smooth motherfucker...'

♦️{[Y/N]'s POV}

Before I could throw an insult at Dipshit, Emo bitch walks up to us.

Robbie: "Wendy! What's up, babe? Yeah, just putting up some flyers for my band. I'm playing lead guitar. No biggie."

Dipper: "Are you wearing mascara?" He questioned as he looked at the poster that Emo dude seemed to put up.

Robbie: "Uh, it's eye-paint for men."

[Y/N]: "Pffft--! Yeah right!"

Wendy: "Hey Robbie, Dipper was just showing me this great game--" She was cut off by Emo bitch.

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