Chapter 3

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Jimin was breathing heavily exhausted from practice.

"Heads up!"

Jimin looked up just in time to see Taemin toss a bottle of water his way. Jimin didn't even attempt to catch it instead sidestepping it and letting it hit the wall behind him with a thud. Jimin let out a groan as he dropped to the floor and crawled his way over to the bottle now on its side against the wall Taemin chuckling behind him all the while.

"Jimin if I didn't know any better, I would think you were a freshman with how you have been dancing lately."

Jimin scowled at Taemin's jab. Really the scowl was more towards himself though because he knew that his dancing as of late, especially the last few months had been subpar in comparison to what he could and was capable of.

"Come on. Don't look at me like that." Taemin grinned as he pulled Jimin up into a sitting position plopping down next to him directly after the two of them settling against the wall.

Jimin lifted his bottle of water and went to open it when it was taken and replaced with the one Taemin had already opened untouched. Jimin lifted the bottle to his lips and the moment the cool water breached them he drank greedily. Jimin, after drinking his fill let his head fall back against the mirrored wall and closed his eyes. He could feel Taemin's eyes on him. Jimin knew Taemin had been concerned these past few months with the decline in Jimin's concentration. Taemin was his senior and good friend who had taken Jimin under his wing when he was a sophomore struggling to nail a solo choreography that Jimin had been thrust into having to do when the dancer who was supposed to execute it got injured.

"I'm okay." Jimin breathed out into the quiet of the dance practice room.

Taemin didn't speak but continued to watch Jimin thoughtfully. Even though Jimin was telling him he was okay. Taemin knew that he wasn't. Jimin was the type of person who internalized his problems until he couldn't. Taemin knew better than most how that went since he too tended to do the same. Jimin opened his eyes and looked at Taemin meeting his eyes.

"Really." Jimin spoke but he wasn't sure who he was trying to convince himself or Taemin.

Taemin gave him a small smile before nudging Jimin with his shoulder, "we both know that isn't true." Jimin opened his mouth a protest at the ready when Taemin spoke over him. "And that's okay." Taemin continued. "I don't know exactly what's going on but if I had to guess it has to do with a certain someone." Jimin groaned dropping his forehead against the top of his knees as his legs pulled into his chest. Jimin felt Taemin ruffle his hair. "You want to tell me what happened?"

Jimin let out a sigh. He didn't really want to talk about last night and what happened. What he overheard Jungkook say to Taehyung, them not realizing he had returned from the bathroom. He felt like if he voiced what Jungkook said it would be like he couldn't pretend it hadn't happened. Jimin couldn't even bring himself to tell Hoseok about what happened last night instead crying in Hoseok's arms until he passed out from exhaustion. But part of Jimin did want to talk about it because part of Jimin was just tired of being stuck in love with someone that Jimin knew with certainty as of last night didn't feel that way about him.

"I got friend zoned last night. Well, truly friend zoned." Jimin spoke head turned to face Taemin. "I went over to Tae's and Kook's last night to help Tae out with a project he needed a model for last minute and overhead the two of them talking about me when I came back from the bathroom."

"What did you overhear?" Taemin asked quietly, already feeling sad for his friend.

"Tae was just complimenting me like he usually does when I model for him you know. Just saying how pretty I was and how I was the only man he'd be willing to switch teams for." Jimin chuckled a smile on his lips. "But." Jimin's smile faltered. "Tae had asked Jungkook why he didn't make a move since he was actually gay." Jimin swallowed thickly. "He." Jimin's eyes began to sting. "Jungkook said that there was no way he could ever see me that way."

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