Chapter 9: It's My Birthday

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Trish in the pic

7th August 2011, 8:28AM

Yass it's my birthday! I wake up and stretch. To be honest 17 doesn't feel different to me. I don't think its that much of a big deal but I'm celebrating it anyway. I'm going to dinner with a bunch of friends.

I sit up and look at all the presents surrounding my bed. My family never fails to amaze me. Somehow, despite our financial troubles, they still managed to carry out the same tradition they've done since I was born, which is to surround my bed with gifts on my birthday. I see small gift bags, large gift bags, envelopes, boxes, everything. I stand up and grab what I can in one go before falling back onto my bed to open them. I look up and see Lexi rubbing her eyes. She turns to face me and I smile.

"Morning." I say.

Her eyes widen and she gasps, covering her mouth with her hand. She shoots up from her bed and jumps onto me, hugging me tightly. "Happy Birthday Mani!"

"Thanks Lex." I hug back. She helps me collect the rest of the presents and cards from the floor and dumps them next to me. I put the presents to one side and sit the cards on my lap. I open them one by one. Some of them have money inside with a short happy birthday message. Some have long heartfelt messages from relatives in Ghana and South Africa. Man I love my family.

"This is my one." Lexi points to the last card on my lap. I carefully open the envelope and pull out the homemade card. It's purple, with glitter across the top and 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' written on the front in a glittery gel pen. I open it and read Lexi's lopsided message.

"Do you like it?" She asks.

"Yeah I do. Thanks Lex." I kiss her forehead and she grins. She takes the cards and arranges them on my desk while I begin opening presents. I gasp when I see one from my Uncle Joseph. I haven't heard from him in time. I think the last time I saw him was when I was around 7. It's been a long time. I open the gift bag and pull out the box inside it.

"Who's that from?" Lexi asks as I stare at the gift.

"Uncle don't know him he hasn't been here in years." I take the necklace from the box and hold it gently in my hands. It's a gorgeous piece of jewelry. It's a gold metal rosary, with diamante on the cross. How beautiful. I secure it back in the box and move onto other gifts.

By the time I'm done, there's a mountain of clothes and high heeled shoes. There's a small pile of money, a bunch of Lush products and designer perfumes and a clutter of expensive jewelry.

I let Lexi use the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a bath before me. I go on my phone and text back everyone who wished me a happy birthday. I open up a text from Jason.

'Happy Birthday beautiful. I hope you're enjoying your day so far. I'll come to your house a bit early with your present before we go to the restaurant. I know you'll love it. See you round 5. xxx'

I text him back just as Lexi comes out of the bathroom. I grab my stuff and walk down the corridor. I hear a door open and turn around to see Marcus and Michael running towards me at full speed.

"Happy Birthday!" Michael hugs me and I hug back.

"Happy Birthday you little shit." Marcus tackles me to the ground and I laugh.

"Get off me before I kick you in the balls." I shout and he stops tickling me.

"Go brush your teeth that morning breath ain't the one." He scrunches up his face and waves a hand infront of it.

I laugh and push him. "Dickhead." He gets off me and helps me up. I go into the bathroom and do my thing.

I dress in some shorts and vest top. It's not even afternoon yet and I'm boiling hot. I go downstairs and see my siblings in the living room eating cereal.

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