Chapter 1: Meeting Him

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Imani's mum in the pic

~Beware the one who winks

August 21st, 2010, 7:19pm

I'm Imani Bexley and I'm 16. I have caramel skin and thick dark hair. My eyes are dark brown and almond shaped. I have a top ear piercing in my left ear and two bottom piercings in each ear. I live with my mum, dad, little half sister Lexi (dad's side) and my younger brother Michael. I have an older brother but he moved out time ago.

Anyway, I'm in the bedroom I share with Lexi, getting ready to go out tonight. It's one of my bestest guy friend's birthday. His name is Cameron. To be honest, I'm surprised my parents even let my go to this thing. My mum doesn't really mind me going out, but my dad on the other hand...he's just protective because I'm...actually, I don't even now why he's so protective. I guess it's because I'm a girl, he's the same with Lexi. But my mum persuaded him to let me go. And by persuade, I mean threaten.

"Ooh you look nice Mani." Lexi comments, poking her head through the door I left ajar.

"Aww thanks Lex. You can come in you know." I wave her in and she blushes, giggling before skipping happily into the room. See, she's a lightie cos her mums Italian. But she lives with us as there were complications during the pregnancy and she died during childbirth. She helps me straighten my hair and even paints my nails. Mind you, she's 7 and most 7 year olds can't paint nails to save their life.

"All done!" She closes my purple nail varnish and grabs the light to dry it.

"I'm going mum!" I shout from the front door. Before I can even open it, dad comes sprinting down the stairs like a fire has broken out. He almost drops on the last step and composes himself, standing straight.

"Imani Chanelle Bexley, what the hell are you wearing?"

I roll my eyes. "A dress." I answer nonchalantly.

"You couldn't find a less tight one? One that doesn't look like you have that dress painted on?"

"It's not that tight. It's bodycon. It's supposed to be like that. Bye."

"I'll drop you off." He states, grabbing his keys off the hook.

I groan. "Dad, it's in North London. Are you really gonna drive all that way?"

"Since when was it all the way in North? Marie! Marie you lied to me about where it was!"

My mum comes out of the living room and put her hands on her hips. "Marlon! The girl is growing up, let her man." (Yeah, she says man)


"Nah, you need to accept it and stop babying her. You can't stop her from becoming a woman."

"I can and I will." He says sternly.

Mum laughs. "No you won't. Take this and enjoy yourself hun." She hands me £30, which I gladly take and shove in my clutch.

"Thanks mum. Won't be back later than 3:00. I'll call you if I stay with a friend."

"Alright, take care darling."

"Yeah, bye." I hug her and my dad and head off.

August 22nd, 2010, 1:07am

Me and a bunch of my drunk friends get on the train. Trina, Leo and Phoebe are absolutely wasted. As for me, I'm sober because I'm a good girl. The party was live and so many people were there. It was hard to get out and we almost missed the train. They all wanna stay out for longer, but not me. After only a few minutes of being on the train, they all stumble off to explore the night, just as two men walk on.

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