Chapter 5: BRUH

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Hailee in the pic

May 26th, 2011, 8:37am

Me and Trish are chatting on the phone.

"He did all that for you?!" She exclaims.

"Yeah I know right."

"Boy, you've got him whipped! Are you sure you didn't give him anything in return?"

I clamp a hand over my mouth in shock. "What? No! No why would I do that, I'm still a-"

"Yeah yeah, I know you are, miss Virgin Mary. I mean did you give him a know." She makes slurping noises and giggles.

I sit there absolutely mortified. "No! Oh my days man you're so nasty Trish.".

"I know you were thinking about doing it anyway." I picture her with a creepy grin on her face.

"Oh hush."

"Oh hush." She mimics me. "Sooo, when's Marcus coming to visit?" She asks.

"I dunno, next week I think."

She squeals. "Oooh I can't wait!"

"Wait for what?"

She tuts. "To see Marcus, duh."

"Ew why're you looking forward to seeing him?" I grimace.

"What d'you mean? Mani have you forgotten how buff your brother is? He's a spice!"

"Um he's my brother I can't say that." I answer awkwardly.

"Alright well I'll come by yours today after school." (she goes to a sixth form where they have to go to school on Saturdays *cough* Harris Westminister *cough*

"Oh okay, see you later then."

"Yeah make sure you have some food cooked for me yeah?"

I laugh. "Yeah. Bye."


I hang up and hop in the shower. After finishing my morning routine, I skip downstairs and go to the kitchen.

"You're up early." Says mum before taking a sip of tea. "Yeah, I didn't feel like having a lie in today."

"Mm." She nods and takes another sip of tea. "You said Jason did something with candle light yesterday?"

I laugh and grab a bowl. "Yeah he set up a candlelit dinner on the roof of some posh hotel in central."

"Really?" She gasps. "That boy is amazing!"

"He is." I answer and make my cereal.

"Aww." She gushes. "Did you guys kiss?" I glance at her and stuff some food in my mouth. I gesture that I'm eating and she just grins at me. "I'll take that as a yes, then."

"Er, sorry, you kissed who?" Dad walks in with his arms folded across his chest.


"None of your business Marlon, this is girl talk."

"Alright, alright, I was just asking." He puts his hands up in defence. "By the way, I still haven't met this boy your mum keeps going about. Apparently he's your boyfriend now?"

I finish what's in my mouth. "Yeah you'll meet him when we're ready. I mean, when we're more serious, you know."

"Well if you're not that serious then you shouldn't be kissing him then should you?" He asks.

I stay silent and eat my food. He grunts and shakes his head. Mum slips upstairs to get ready for work and dad pops a couple slices of bread into the toaster.

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