Chapter 11 (HALLASHOLM)

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Song: Highway to Hell by AC/DC

Full night fell shortly after they had set out on their way back to Hallasholm. But they continued to move, their way lit by a brilliant three-quarter moon that sailed above them in the clear sky.

Halt, Evanlyn and the two apprentices rode, while the Skandians maintained a steady jog, led by the Jarl. Robin Hood ran in between the pack to prevent her from escaping. Halt had suggested that Erak ride the captured Temujai horse again, but he had declined the offer, with a certain amount of alacrity. It seemed that now he had his feet firmly back on the ground, he was determined to keep them that way. His thighs and calves ached from the hours he had spent in the saddle that day, and his backside seemed to be one massive bruise. He was glad of the chance to walk the cramps out of his muscles. The only reason Hood was running was because of her dignity and pride, she refused to be tied to a horse.

Even allowing for the fact that the Skandians were travelling afoot, Halt was content with the pace they were maintaining. Whatever other faults they might have, the sea wolves were in superb condition. They could maintain their steady jog all night, with only brief rest periods every hour.

During one of the brief rest stops, Halt caught Will's eye and made an almost imperceptible gesture for the boy to follow him. They walked a short distance from the rest of the party, who were sprawled at ease in the snow. A few of the Skandians watched them with mild interest, but most ignored them.

Robin Hood was engaged in a conversation with a few of the Skandians, even though she was a prisoner. She couldn't help it, she was one of those characters that drew people to her, with her wit and humour. Robin Hood was an entertaining person to be around, to add to that she was the subject of legendary tales.

As the members of the small party resumed their progress towards the coast, Halt struggled with the problem of how to protect Will and Evanlyn when they returned to Hallasholm. They might be regarded as allies for the moment, merely from force of circumstance. But once they were back in the Skandians' stronghold, things could go badly for the two escaped slaves. Things could become even worse for Evanlyn should her real identity become known to the Skandian Oberjarl.

Yet, try as he might, the grey-haired Ranger could think of no possible alternative to their present course. The way south was barred by thousands of Temujai warriors and there was no chance that he could make it through their lines with the three young people. He and Will might manage it. But it was a big might. And he knew enough about the Temujai to know that with Horace and Evanlyn along, they would never avoid detection.

So, for the time being, at least, they had no choice but to head towards Hallasholm. In the back of his mind there was a partly formed idea that they might be able to steal a boat. Or even prevail upon Erak to transport them down the coast to the south, leapfrogging the line of advance of the Temujai army. Somehow, some time, he would have to reach some kind of an accommodation with the Skandian Jarl, he knew.

The opportunity came at the next rest stop. And it came from the Jarl himself. As the Skandians allowed themselves to sprawl on the ground under the pines, Erak, seemingly casually, approached the spot where Halt was pouring water from his canteen into a collapsible canvas bucket for Abelard. The horse drank noisily as the wolfship commander stood by and watched. Fully aware of his presence, Halt continued with what he was doing.

Then, when the horse stopped drinking, he said, without looking up: 'Something on your mind?'

The Jarl shifted awkwardly from one foot to another.

'We need to talk,' he said finally and Halt shrugged.

'We seem to be doing that.' He kept his voice neutral. He could sense that the Skandian leader wanted something from him and he felt this might be his opportunity to gain some kind of bargaining advantage.

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