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Feel free to skip the Epilogue (like before there is only a few added sentences).. This is just for those who want the Araluen's adventure to be wrapped up as well. 

Wolfwind followed the River Semath all the way from the Narrow Sea to Castle Araluen itself.

It was an astounding sight for the locals, to see a wolfship gliding, unmolested and peaceful, past their fields and villages, so far inland. The many river forts and strongpoints, which would normally have denied such progress to a Skandian ship, now deferred to the fact that Princess Cassandra's personal standard, a stooping Red Hawk, flew from the masthead. A message had been sent ahead of the wolfship's progress to make sure that local commanders recognised the standard and the fact that the voyagers travelled upriver in peace.

It was also something of a novelty for Erak and his crew.

Finally, they rounded the last bend in the river and there before them were the soaring spires and turrets of Castle Araluen. Erak drew breath in wonder at the sight of it. Halt, watching him, was sure that, as well as the sheer admiration the castle inspired, Erak's old plundering instincts were at work, estimating just how much treasure the castle could contain. He stepped close to the Oberjarl and said softly:

'You'd never make it past the moat.'

Erak started in surprise and looked round at the Ranger. Then he grinned, a little ruefully.

'Was it so obvious that I was thinking about it?' he asked and Halt nodded in confirmation.

'You wouldn't be a Skandian if you weren't,' he said.

After a short silence, he opened his mouth again. 'I reckon Hood could do it.' Halt raised an eyebrow at him so he continued, 'Make it past the moat.'

Halt let out a flabbergasted huff of air, 'she has. Multiple times.'

There was a landing stage jutting out into the river, bedecked with flags and bunting. And a large crowd was awaiting their arrival. At the sight of the wolfship, they began sounding horns and cheering.

'That's a first,' Erak said mildly, bringing a grin to Halt's face.

'And there's another,' he said, pointing discreetly to a tall, bearded figure standing a little way back from the landing stage, surrounded by an expensively dressed retinue of knights and ladies. 'That's the King himself, come down to welcome you, Erak.'

'More likely he's here for his daughter,' the Skandian replied. But Halt noticed that he did look a little pleased with himself.

Evanlyn had seen the tall man now and was standing in the prow of the wolfship, waving excitedly. The cheers from the shore redoubled at the sight of her and now Duncan was leading the way down the landing stage, lengthening his stride so that he was almost running, not content to stand back and preserve his royal dignity.

'Oars!' called Erak and the rowers raised their oars, dripping, from the water as the wolfship glided smoothly alongside the landing stage.

The Skandian crew passed mooring lines to those on shore, the two parties regarding each other with deep interest. It was the first time in memory that Araluans and Skandians had been face to face without weapons in their hands. Will, his face alight with the joy of the moment, leapt onto the wolfship's railing as Evanlyn hurried to the entry port in the ship's waist. She and her father, their hearts too full for words, simply smiled at one another over the decreasing gap as the line handlers hauled the ship in to the landing stage. Then the wickerwork fenders bumped and groaned and the ship was fast alongside. Svengal, grinning broadly at her, unlatched the entry port in the ship's rail and she leapt into her father's arms, burying her face in his chest.

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