Chapter 27

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Song: Blood // Water by grandson

In the centre of the Skandian line, Erak sensed a moment of opportunity. The Temujai were fighting hard, but the savage intensity had gone from their attacks.

Weakened and demoralised by the regular downpour of arrows from the right flank, their support ranks were withdrawing, and leaving those troops engaged with the Skandian line without the regular reinforcements that they needed to maintain the rhythm of their attack.

He cut down a Temujai captain who had come screaming over the earthworks, and turned to look for Halt. The Ranger was positioned behind him, standing on a parapet and coolly picking off the Temujai as they came forward. Haz'kam's tactic of stripping his Ulans of their shooters was working against the Temujai here. For a change, it was they who were losing their commanders to accurate, aimed shots, while the Skandian leaders continued to devastate anyone who came within range of their whirling axes.

After taking down more Temujai, Erak raised his view, heavy breaths heaving from his chest as he observed the fields around him. The ground was littered with carcasses. He tensed upon seeing Robin fighting against the Temujai warrior.

Disengaging himself, Erak vaulted up beside Halt. Erak steps towards the scene, but stopped as the outlaw's body fell hard at the impact of a forceful punch. Halt prevents the Skandian from advancing, 'this is her fight.' He uttered pointing to the limp body of Jon. Though beneath the calm exterior, Halt gripped his bow ready to put an arrow through the man's head.

He gestured to the Skandian left wing, so far uncommitted.

'I'm thinking if we hit them from the flank, we might finish them,' he said. Halt considered the idea for a moment. It was a risk. But battles were won by taking risks, he knew. Or lost. He came to a decision.

'Do it,' he agreed and Erak nodded. Then he looked beyond Halt and cursed. The Ranger swung round to look in the same direction and together, they watched the Temujai breaking through the line below Will's position. They both knew that if the rain of arrows stopped, the Temujai rear ranks might well recover their cohesion and their moment might be lost.

Now was the time to act.

'Bring the left flank in,' Halt said briefly. He grabbed up a spare quiver of arrows and started to run towards Will's command post. Erak watched him go, knowing that one man wouldn't make any difference. He looked around desperately, his gaze lighting on Ragnak, standing in the middle of a circle of fallen Temujai. The Oberjarl's eyes were wild and staring. He had discarded his shield and was swinging his massive axe two-handed. Blood streamed from half a dozen wounds on his arms, legs and body, but he seemed oblivious to the fact. He was on the point of berserking, Erak knew. And he also knew that one man like that might make all the difference in the world.

Erak cut his way through to the Oberjarl, winning a brief respite as the Temujai fell back from the two huge warriors. Ragnak looked up, recognised him and showed his teeth in a triumphant, savage grin.

'We're destroying them, Erak!' he yelled, his eyes still wild. Erak grabbed him by the arm, shaking him to make him focus his attention.

'I'm bringing in the left flank!' he yelled and the Oberjarl smiled and shrugged.

'Good! Let them have some fun too!' he bellowed. Erak pointed to the battle raging on the seaward side.

'The right wing is in trouble. They've broken through. The Ranger needs help there.'

It seemed odd to be giving orders to his supreme commander. But then he realised Ragnak was incapable of directing the flank attack in this mood. He was good for only one thing – a devastating, crushing attack on any enemy who stood in his way.

Now, as he heard Erak's words, Ragnak nodded repeatedly.

'That sarcastic little know-all needs help, does he? Then I'm his man!'

And with a roar, he charged off after Halt, followed by his retinue of a dozen axemen.

Erak breathed a quick prayer to the Vallas. A dozen men might not be a lot, but with Ragnak in this near-berserk mode, it could be enough. Then he shoved the troubles of the right flank to the back of his mind and began yelling for a messenger. The right flank would have to look after itself for a few more minutes. Right now, he needed the left flank to hit the enemy from the side.

Robin stood to her feet, a deep scowl embedded her features as the Temuaji commander advanced forward. The outlaw flung one of her weapons towards the man, though with the leather cladding his arm, he deflected the blade, causing her short sword to fall out of reach.

Cursing, she held her second short sword in a firm grip as she parried the Temujai's blade.

'Foolish woman.' Spinning she sent a series of slashes towards the vile man, though each was effortlessly blocked. 'I am a Hajk. One of the most skilled Temujai warriers. Do you think you can kill me?' He gloated in scratchy common. 

On impulse, the outlaw kicked at his ribs, and as stumbled, she brought her blade to meet his neck. Which was met with his blade, and Robin's short sword was flung from her grasp as the Temujai's sword cut across her wrist.

Robin hissed in pain as she clasped her stinging scar, and whilst she was distracted, the Hajk sent a hard kick to her stomach. She flew back, falling beside Jon's body as the breath was forcefully knocked from her lungs.

Heaving in pain, her body rolled to the side as deep ragged breaths ripped through her chest. Lifting her head from the dirt, Robin choked at the sight of little Jon's limp body on the ground beside her. Both emotional and physical pain tore through her aching body.

From across the battlefield Halt nocked an arrow as the Hajik approached the outlaw's battered figure.

Robin's dreary gaze drifted down to view Jon's axe which lay loosely in his limp hand beside her. Reaching out, her shaking hand gripped the axe's handle. Upon the touch, it was as if shocks of energy rippled through her body, like fire awoken from the ashes, renewing her strength as her eyes hardened with ignited determination.

Further away unknown to Robin Hood, the Sha' Shan had called for the general withdraw.

The grisly Temujai stood before Robin, his tall figure looming over her fallen frame. He raised his blade, ready to end the outlaw's life, though Robin was the first to strike. Swinging her body from the ground, she lashed towards his legs, cutting through the skin of his knees and causing the Hajk to stumble in pain. Robin jumped to her feet, grip tight on little Jon's axe, and took the opportunity to dislodge the Temujai's blade from his wretched grasp. With an aggravated hiss, the man attempted to lunge at Robin, though she swiftly stepped to the side and sent a kick to his back. Falling forward the man sunk to his knees, and Robin was to quick to raise the axe at him.

'Yes.' She answered his previous question.

He stared up at the outlaw with a grim scowl, opening his mouth to spit out a mocking comment. The Temujai was silenced by Jon's axe cleanly slicing through his neck. The dislodged head fell with a heavy thud against the dry ground, and Robin lifted her gaze, a deadly expression never seen before adorning her hard set features. From the side Halt lowered his bow, shock plastered upon his face. Erak holstered his axe, at seeing the last of the Temujai gone. Now he watched the outlaw intently, Robin displaying no signs of emotion, something he found rather concerning. Another Skandian barked a praise, though much to Erak's dismay, Robin's eyes remained focused ahead, glazed over by some sort of trance.

With heavy breaths, Robin stepped forward, the axe still in her hands as she squared her shoulders. 

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