Mission Orders

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Caecilia looks at the view she found after teleporting. The beauty of the city is hypnotizing. So much so, that she doesn't sense the person behind her.

???: "H-hey!"A man yelled. Caecilia turns around to see who was there. 

Caecilia Eburnus: "Yes? May I help you?"

???: "Do you know what building you are on? And how did you even get up here?" The man yelled with a pistol in his hand aimed at Caecilia. 'He seems to be a security guard' She thought as she stared at the man. 

Caecilia Eburnus: "No, I do not know where I am." She said, shocking the man.

???: "Have you been living under a rock? You're on top of the Hero Public Safety Commission! So how the hell did you get up without being spotted?"

Caecilia Eburnus: "I do not need to answer you..." She replied to the man. Her voice turned cold. And she lost all expressions. Her cold eyes had a piercing gaze that made the man shake. In a panic, the man went to his radio and turn it on.

???: "T-this is roof security! I've got an unauthorized citizen here. She is-"

Before he could continue, a large gush of wind had blown him off his feet. He collapsed to the floor and held on for dear life. Once the wind was gone, he slowly opened his eyes. And what he saw shocked him. The woman was gone, in her place was a large crater she had left when she jumped away. Well, that's if he was able to see it. 

Caecilia had jumped so fast that in the blink of an eye, she was gone. A plethora of security officers ran to the roof and was shocked to discover the large crater and another officer just laying there.

???: "What happened?" One of them said. The guy on the floor slowly turned around and said...

???: "I think I'm going to have to get a new job."

Meanwhile, with Caecilia, she had landed on the ground in an alleyway. Caecilia walks out of the alleyway into the sidewalk. Some people stare at her, she still wears that outfit of hers. Some think she is a hero, and others are thinking of something else. But that doesn't matter, then Caecilia could hear some yelling.

???: "Yeah! Look how much money we were able to nab!"

???: "C'mon! We have to go before any heroes show up!" 

Caecilia looks to her left and just a few meters away from her, a store is being robbed. One man looked like he had spikes all over his body. The other seemed to be hauling some heavy-looking objects. 

Caecilia Eburnus: "Great, a robbery. What a great way on starting out the day."

Caecilia walked over to the van. Bystanders ran to the scene. Some of them called the police and heroes. That was when they noticed Caecilia. 

Robber 1: "Hey look at this good-looking haul over here."

Robber 2: "Damn... I think we have enough ti-"

He couldn't react fast enough to Caecilia as his head flies through the air. Robber 1 stares in horror as his partner's head rolls onto the street. And then his attention turns to Caecilia. Who was giving him the death stare. He slowly backs up and trips. Then he begins to run away. But is swiftly cut down.

Caecilia swung her sword, cleaning the blade and spilling the blood of the two men on the concrete. Desummoning her sword, Caecilia turns to the crowd that had surrounded her. They all step back from her stare. Caecilia then walks to an open spot on the street and jumps. Leaving a similarly sized crater to the one on top of the HPSC building. 

A few minutes pass, and a team of 3 heroes arrives. Edgeshot, Kamui Woods, and Mt. Lady arrive at the scene. They are beyond shocked at the brutality of the scene they find. Police arrive and begin to clean up the scene. Mt. Lady was being comforted by Kamui Woods as she was hyperventilating nearby. Then the news channels came to report on what had happened.

News reporter: "Today in Kamino, two villains were found dead after robbing a store. Videos taken from the incident have shown a woman using some type of sword was responsible for not only killing the two villains but leaving the crater in the ground after jumping away." 

It wasn't long before some heroes picked up on what the media was reporting. On top of another building, Caecilia is sitting on the ledge, enjoying the setting sun. 

[In coming Transmission] 

Caecilia Eburnus: "Put it through." 

Frank Horrigan: "I hope you aren't causing any issues over there, are you?"

Caecilia Eburnus: "No, I don't believe so. So, do you have my orders?"

Frank Horrigan: "Yes I do. You are to study how quirks work and duplicate the good ones you find." 

Caecilia lay in silence for a while before answering. "Alright," She said. "I will complete my orders without delay."

Frank Horrigan: "Good, I will contact you in two days. Don't die."

[End of Transmission]

Caecilia stares out until the sun sets. Then she jumps away, "Time to do some work."

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