Gmod has left the planet (Book End)

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Gmod came here for one reason. And one reason only. To find the ability to make Admins keep their abilities when operating outside Garry's Mod. That was the entire premise on which Gmod had come to the MHA universe. A large number of resources had to be pulled away from the frontlines and rear lines from the Mingbag-Gmod war to achieve this. But then someone made a breakthrough.

It was a Siren that made the breakthrough. Which was quite unexpected. Especially for the Players of Garry's Mod. The Siren was, Observer Zero. She combined the power of a tool gun along with a physics gun into a wisdom cube. And then officially inserted it into an Admin's attire. Why did no one think of this in Gmod? Couldn't tell, but this flabbergasted the entire player base. 

Now Admins operating outside of Gmod could use their abilities as if they were in game. But this brought up some issues. Gmod forces were already deployed in the MHA universe and had already collected thousands of quirks. They had already established themselves in Japan and were forcing villains under. They had effectively become the police force. Japan had become much safer, and some Japanese police had joined up with the Admins. All be it, without the Admin abilities of course. So they were just Metro-Police. Or Combine Police.

Not only that, the Citadel had already been constructed. And the Combine isn't going to leave without at least harvesting some quirks. Or the entire planet like they did back in Half-Life. Another issue soon poped up. Besides being stuck in Japan without turning the entire country into a battlefield. Or convincing the Combine to leave. They soon found the World Hero Association breathing down their neck.

The World Hero Association (WHA) started to call out the Combine and Admins. And were somehow able to get a hold of some secret plans of the Combine. This sent the Combine over the balance. Not only were they stuck on another version of Earth. This version had humans who could easily tackle even Combine Elites. The Combine acted fast. 

Within a week's time, the Combine expanded the Citadel underground. They dug an entire complex the size of Brazil and filled it with enough equipment to conquer Earth 100 times over. They also built numerous barracks to accommodate entire Combine divisions. After this was done, they moved on to the political world. They plotted assassinations of some low-ranking heroes around the world. All of them were a success. The media would say that these deaths were of villains. Just as the Combine planned. They continued with these streams of assassinations. Sending Black Ops Assassins and their own Combine Assassins. 

But with the Admin attire infused with a wisdom cube to give them their Admin powers, Gmod no longer had a purpose to be in the MHA universe. Thus, they left. Caecilia would be called back. And the Combine would have control of the Admins operating in the MHA Earth. Gmod would leave in secret. Completely leaving Earth and returning to the Mars base they have. The Sirens would now attempt to finish what Gmod started. Plus, they need that SWEET DATA.

(I'm planning on making this a type of book series. So this would be the first book done.)

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