USJ Incident

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Hawks, the hero that was too fast, was in the air patrolling searching for his target. He had some intel to know whom he was looking for. So far, he's got nothing. This person was too fast, faster than him. Ironic. He has looked for kilometers now. But hasn't found anything. 

Meanwhile, Caecilia has been sitting on top of a building, resting. She has been there for an hour at least, soaking up the sunlight. After a while or so, Caecilia decides to get up and walks over to the ledge of the building to oversee the people below. After enjoying the view, Caecilia prepares to fly away to find more crime. 

Hawks was starting to get tired of flying around and was going to land and take a rest when he sees a figure on a building. Not recognizing the figure and thinking it is a civilian, he flies down to her. Caecilia could hear something nearby. She turns around and sees this good-looking young aged guy wearing a yellow jacket and the same colored pants, with yellow goggles and large red wings. 

Hawks landed and were about to speak to Caecilia when he noticed the difference in size and how she looks extremely similar to the target described to him

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Hawks landed and were about to speak to Caecilia when he noticed the difference in size and how she looks extremely similar to the target described to him. Hawks immediately tensed up as they both stared at each other. 

Caecilia Eburnus: "May I help you?" She said in a cold voice. Hawks replied by saying, "Who are you, and what the hell are you doing up here? From what I can tell, there is no other way up here." And her response was,  "Do not question me, hero..." 

The way she addressed Hawks as "Hero" was a confirmation that he had found his target. "Well," He started, "The Hero Public Safety Commission doesn't like what you're doing with your methods of... disposing criminals and villains."

Caecilia Eburnus: "Why does your little 'commission' care about the ways I deal with scum? I'm simply following orders. Like you are..."

Hawks: "I was only told to come and bring you in. But if I couldn't, I have permission to kill you."

Caecilia could only smile psychotically as she began to laugh. Bending backward as she does it. As abruptly as she started, she stopped. "You cannot kill me, nor capture me. Not even that 'Symbol of Peace' can do it. Even if he was twice as strong." Her abyss-like voice echoed across the rooftop. Shocking Hawks with her statement. But he was going to need more proof than simple words to stop him. 

Hawks then charged Caecilia at full speed. In a matter of seconds, he had reached, but then she disappeared.  Hawks quickly looked to his left and right to try to find her. But milliseconds pass, and now he was standing on the roof facing Caecilia while her hands were placed on his shoulders. He was beyond surprised as he stared into the bright eyes of his target.

Caecilia Eburnus: "I envy those who were given the choice of subservience. At least you had a choice... I was born in a tube and made into an Agent." ‎

Hawks: "How did you-" He couldn't finish his sentence as a finger placed on his lips. Caecilia was looking around. As if she was trying to sniff the air. Then her eyes shot wide open. Letting go of Hawks and walking to the ledge and placing a foot on it and leaning on it. She faced in the direction of the USJ building, sensing that someone is in danger. Or, a group of younglings was in danger. "Sorry kid," Caecilia said, "I've got some villains to crush." Before slowly levitating off the roof and flying away. Hawks chased after her. But was basically slapped into a nearby building. Crashing into the wall and breaking through the other side.

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