The HC Infiltration

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[In coming Transmission]

"Patch it through."

[Patching through...]

"Garry's Mod Satellite Maintenance crew to Garry's Mod Mars HQ. We have recently lost contact with one of our satellites. We believe that it was shot down, but its last location hasn't been updated yet. The last known location we have of it was over the east coast of the United States. So we can't truly say who it was. But we are assuming it was America. We've already sent a search party to find it. We will contact you again when we have more intel."

[End of Transmission]

The person was silent, listening to the message. She didn't expect to have to deal with such an issue so early. A frown formed on her face as the monitor went black.

 A frown formed on her face as the monitor went black

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Observer Alpha: "Damnit..."

???: "Get good Alpha, c'mon."

Alpha turned around and saw a familiar face. "Ahh, Tester Gamma, what a surprise. What brings you here?" The small male Siren looked at her with a face that said 'Yes'Gamma then hovered over and hugged Alpha, who wrapped her arms around her friend. After a few seconds, they break away.

Tester Gamma: "So tell me, what happened?"

Observer Alpha: "I thought you knew what happened?"

Tester Gamma: "Nah, I just heard you 'dammit' and thought something bad happened... Well, did something bad happened?" Alpha simply closes her eyes as she recalls the message. Then she turns back to Gamma and gives him an answer. "Well, yes, one of the satellites orbiting Earth was shot down. A search team is currently looking for it. But shouldn't you be in bed, Gamma?" Gamma pouted and responded by saying, "I'm not a human, Alpha..." Alpha brought the more miniature Siren to her chest. Making Gamma blush and feel like he was in danger. 'Damn, the heat coming off her is making me feel like I'm in the damn sun!' He said mentally. 'Oh, damn, I'm getting...' Before dozing off in Alpha's hands. Moments later, Tester Beta comes into the room. "Oh, there he is," Tester started, "I've been looking for him all day!" Alpha scoops him off his feet and hands him over to Tester Beta. 




Meanwhile, on Earth, a crowd of American citizens groups up around the downed satellite. The police have it surrounded as they try to keep the people away from it. Some heroes were present there as well. 


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