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[In coming Transmission]


[Patching through...]

Name: Caecilia Eburnus

Gender: Female

Species: Siren/Human Hybrid

Birthplace: Black Mesa Secret Laboratory

Height: 6'2 (1.88 m)


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Super Human Strength: Due to her being a Siren, she has immersive strength. About 3/4 of All Might's power when he was in his prime. 

Black Hole Powered Arbiter: With a literal miniature black hole reactor within her, she has a limitless pool of energy. But, if ruptured, expose the black hole. Which is shown as her eyes would turn dark. And the surrounding area would start to distort.

Metal Gears: Caecilia is able to use the Metal Gears Rex, Ray, and Execlsus. After she was infused with 3 gray mental cubes consisting of their blueprints, she is able to summon them as well as their weapons. When needed, she can morph parts of her body into the desired Metal Gear part. For example, morphing one of her arms to use the Execlsus arm. Blade included. 

Gmod Agent: Since she is a Gmod Agent, her power along with her physical strength is more than doubled. Putting her strength way beyond All Might or All of one combined. Caecilia also has access to the Q-menu. And can use the tool gun built into her. Allowing her to weld, duplicate, and do everything else the tool gun could do. As well as the Physics gun, which is built into her fingertips. 

Swordsman: Trained by the finest swordsman. And using Siren and Gmod's sword fighting styles, Caecilia was able to combine several fighting styles and combine them. Making a style that is an unstoppable force when it comes to the sword. It was said that during training, she was able to fight off both Hermit IX and General Grievous, along with a plethora of other players wielding lightsabers. The sword she wields is made of a special metal only found in Siren territory. Making it more durable than Beskar. Being able to withstand the heat of the center of a star.

Power Producer: Because of the black hole reactor within her. Caecilia is able to consume anything and gain power from it. If Caecilia uses it correctly, she could possibly steal mass from the sun and use it as energy. Along with other large bodies of mass.

Power Consumer: But, she does use a lot of energy when using the black hole reactor. If she pushes it too far, it may become unstable and the black hole reactor may succumb to the effects of Hawking Radiation as it begins to lose mass. (Probably not how it works but it is for the plot, I guess)


Back Story: Created as a special agent for Gmod and Siren interests, Caecilia was basically the ultimate agent they could ever ask for. She was also an achievement for Garry's Mod. Caecilia was the first person to be created by placing a bunch of DNA into a tank and waiting for something to generate. With her own will and intellect, she was a masterpiece of science. After growing up to around the age of 14, she would be transported to the Arbiter training center in the Siren capital, where she would be trained. All though her trainers tried their best to make some of the training didn't kill her, Caecilia would start to lose most of her emotions during her vigorous training. When Caecilia completed the Arbiter training, she was sent to Gmod to undergo some more training. Even after training, she continues to vigorously train until the age of 24. Caecilia would then go on to train other agents, but unlike her, they were of lesser quality. 


Personality: Caecilia growing up was a very cheerful and energetic kid. But as she entered training, she became very cold and stoic. Her tactics are both cunning and cruel. Using every resource and opportunity given to complete her mission. Even if it means using her allies as stepping stones to her goal. Though, she still has kept some of her emotions, sometimes feeling happiness when aiding others. Caecilia still has a human side, it was just buried under all of her training and enhancements.



Nano-infused bones: Caecilia's bones were infused with nanomachines that reinforce them and help prevent fractures. They also are able to rebuild bones along with regenerate tissues surrounding the bones.

G-Organs: Shipped in from the company G-Organs, the artificial organs were placed into her body. Normally, G-Organs slowly and painlessly absorb the original organs and fully replace them. Giving the user better performance. But since Caecilia was artificially created and not created via natural means, the G-Organs couldn't absorb the original. Giving her Two hearts, four lungs, etc. While both brains fused.

Splittable arms: A request from General Grievous stated that she should have the ability to split her arms the way he can. The request was accepted. Now, Caecilia is able to split her entire arms the same way Grievous can. The Thumb, Pointer, and Middle finger are on the top. While the Ring and Pinky finger are on the bottom. This comes in handy when Caecilia wants to duplicate her sword three times.

G-Joints: Caecilia joints were replaced with G-Joints. G-Joints are organic cybernetic joints that grant the user more mobility. This was another request from Grievous, and from Arbiter Strength. The joints in her wrist allow Caecilia's hands to separate from the wrist and levitate an inch away from their original spot. Giving her the ability to spin her hands. This also grants her the ability to duel Monsoon in his own game of splitting apart. But unlike our favorite meme philosopher, Caecilia's limbs cannot go far away from the body. The limb or body part could stay detached as long as it wants. Blood is teleported between the G-Joints, allowing the body part or limb to live while being detached. But if Caecilia's limbs or body parts stray too far from their designated joints, the connections would be severed. And the limb would die from not getting the oxygen it needs from a constant stream of blood. As of right now, her max distance is 20 feet.


[Transmission end...]

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