Encounter with the Jean man and being captured

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"He should have called by now..." Said Caecilia sitting on top of a water tower. Two days had officially passed. And Caecilia is still waiting for a call, finally, she receives the call. "Horrigan, it took you long enough," Caecilia said. "I've been going through paperwork since your sister is too lazy to do it." Frank Horrigan replied tiredly. "You sound tired, Caecilia said in a worried tone. "How much paperwork did you have to deal with?" Horrigan went silent before answering her question. "She did half of the paperwork. But left two 8-foot stacks of paper behind!" Frank Horrigan growled. Caecilia could hear him slam his fist on the desk. He was making her chuckle. "What is so funny, Caecilia?" Horrigan asked. "Nothing," Caecilia replied, then there was static. "Hello?" She said. "Hello~?" Silence...




Best Jeanist was currently searching for Caecilia. The police and the HPSC had launched an investigation and wanted any available hero to participate. Best Jeanist was one of the first people to join. He had his sidekicks searching parts of the city while he took the others. So far, he has nothing. Until he saw a figure jump onto a building.

'It's her' He thought to himself. He began chasing after Caecilia, eventually ending up in an alleyway. Best Jeanist enters the alleyway and sees Caecilia talking to a very large figure. "So," Caecilia started, Best Jeanist decided to hide behind a large pile of garbage. "Why did you hang up the call?" Horrigan looked at her before replying. "The power to the base went out. I think it was one of your sister's antics." Caecilia sighed before quickly turning to the exit of the alleyway. "Tsunagu Hakamada" Best Jeanist's eyes widen as Caecilia calls out his real name. "You must be here to try to capture me," Caecilia said as Best Jeanist walked out of his cover and into the open. "You must be extremely perceptive to know that I was here. But how do you know my name?" Best Jeanist asked. In response, Caecilia pointed to the large man in armor. "Horrigan over here dug up all we know about the-" A large green hand was placed up against her mouth. "Please don't share any more information, Caecilia," Horrigan said as Caecilia blushed in embarrassment. "Anyway, I have to go," Horrigan said before a blue portal appeared behind him. Best Jeanist, wanting to capture both of them, used his work on the two. Caecilia's clothes tightened, but Horrigan was unaffected. "Hey, Best Jeanist," Horrigan started, "I wouldn't suggest doing that," Horrigan said, turning around. "You see, Caecilia is part Siren, so she REALLY does not light tight or heavy clothing," Horrigan said before entering the portal. Best Jeanist was confused that Horrigan wasn't affected by his quirk.

"Was he not wearing clothes?!" Best Jeanist yelled before Caecilia answer his question. "He... wasn't" It sounded like she was having a hard time breathing. He looked at Caecilia, but it looked like she was beyond uncomfortable. "Too tight for you?" Best Jeanist asked, He got silence as a reply. "Sorry, but we need to capture you, and until you are detained, you're going to have to stick with this for a while," Then he began to radio his position to the other heroes. Caecilia needed some time before she could use her powers, otherwise her clothes would probably tear into pieces.

Other heroes began to pour into Best Jeanist's location. The police arrived as well. Caecilia seemed to be compiling with the heroes and police. Best Jeanist escorted her to the street, where some heroes and police were waiting. That was until two people showed up. All Might, and Endevour. Caecilia stopped in her tracks. She could sense the large power coming from the both of them.

"C'mon, we don't have all day." Best Jeanist said. Before a large burst of energy exploded out of her. Police cars were sent flying. Some heroes were sent away, while the stronger ones stood their ground. "Finally," Caecilia said, "I've found two of my targets!" She said before charging Endeavor. Seeing this, Endeavor decided to fire a flash fire fist, but All Might noticed something was off. "Endeavor, wait!" It was too late, the beam of fire flew and hit Caecilia, but it was a hollow gram. Endeavor looks in surprise. "An illusion!" He said before getting punched into the ground.

All Might decided to would be a good time to start fighting. But then he noticed Endeavor glowing. "What the-What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Endeavor yelled at Caecilia, "Duplicating your quirk!" All Might's eyes widen as he charged at Caecilia with lighting speed. "Detroit..!" All Might started, "SMASH!" As his fist smashed into Caecilia's face and sending her flying down the street. Then, two of the front legs of Metal Gear Excelsus sprouted out of her mid-back and slammed into the ground. Stopping her from moving. Then all of a sudden, her clothes tightened again, and the two legs disappeared back into her body. Then a sharp pain could be felt in her back as Caecilia is smashed into the ground. "Damn, and here I was thinking that a single kick wouldn't do anything!" A woman said. But that kick did something, it shattered her spine. You see, because of the amount of organs within her body, some of her bones needed to become thinner to accommodate them, especially her spine.

Caecilia growled in pain as she let out another burst of energy, larger than the one before. But now she couldn't move for a bit, until the nanobots repaired her spine. Which wouldn't take so long. Endeavor recovers from Caecilia's punch and prepares a jet burn when Caecilia raised one of her arms. Bringing it down, the left arm of Metal Gear Execlsus appears and comes down onto Endeavor, who dodges out of the way.

This gave Caecilia enough time to heal. Getting back up, she quickly turns around and puts her arms in an X position and blocked a kick from Mirko.

 Getting back up, she quickly turns around and puts her arms in an X position and blocked a kick from Mirko

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Caecilia stares at her new opponent. Not realizing that she had left her guard down for All Might to come in. "Carolina," Caecilia quickly turned around, "SMASH!" was sent flying away into Mirko's direction. Who charged at Caecilia. Caecilia summoned Endeavor's copied quirk and condensed a large ball of flame and launched it at Mirko, who quickly dodged it.

Caecilia landed on her feet and was about to jump onto a building when, again, her clothes tightened. Even though she could move her legs, it was way too uncomfortable to do so. At this point, she had had enough and searched around for Best Jeanist. Her clue would come from the small pieces of string attached to her clothes.

Her eyes started glowing as one of the plasma cannons from Metal Gear Execlsus grows out of her back and fires. Best Jeanist, not expecting her to attack, dodges out of the way, but didn't notice the civilians behind him. He tried to reach them with his quirk while Mirko along with All Might and Endeavor attempted to save them, but the plasma engulfed them. Then, as it disappeared, the civilians were fine.

Endeavor: "How are they-" All Might grabs the flame hero by the shoulders and pulls him away as Caecilia swung her sword at the spot he was once standing on. Then the sword disappeared and she jumped away. Then Mirko slammed her foot into Caecila's back, shattering her spine once again and sending her flying back down to the ground.

From all of this, the nanobots would take a while to repair her body. So she begins to black out, Mostly from the pain. 'Frank Horrigan and my other mentors will not be happy about this.' She says as she finally blacks out.

(I'm not good at writing fight scenes.)

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