The Mysterious Vigilante

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Caecilia now has her orders. Study quirks and duplicate the good ones she finds. It seems like the best way to find good quirks is to fight crime. She begins to hunt down any criminals and or villains. While being merciless, saving citizens along with property. Any villain or criminal who didn't surrender was killed. 

The news was unable to report anything about what was happening. You see, previously, the people who saw the news report had their memories wiped. She did have to put in a request for Frank Horrigan to do it but eventually, any video that was taken of her was deleted. Without anyone knowing at the time. Any post of her would disappear. And any hero who heard of her had that part of their memory get wiped. 

Within only 8 hours of her arrival, Caecilia was able to kill countless villains. And stop dozens of crimes. And saved countless people. And since nobody can remember her due to Frank Horrigan, nobody knows who is doing it. 

 An extra hour or so pasts and she had left Kamino, avoiding the streets during the day and traveling on the rooftops. After some searching, Caecilia hears a commotion nearby.

???: "HEY! Get back here!"

???: "Too slow, old man!" 

Caecilia watches as a man wearing a hoodie runs away from an old man with a wallet in his hand. Springing into action, Caecilia calculates a path of interception and jumps into the air. The hooded man notices Caecilia in the air, activating his quirk, a shield forms around him as he stops and looks at her.


She breaks through the shield and totals the poor guy. Breaking the concrete. Caecilia walks off the guy and grabs the wallet. Then she walks towards the old man and hands the wallet over. 

Old man: "Thank you, miss!"

Caecilia Eburnus: "You are quite welcome, sir. Please, have a good day." Caecilia had a small smile on her face. Caecilia walks away and prepares to jump. As she did this, a frown formed on her face because she knew that everyone who saw her and recorded her would forget everything. Just before she jumps, someone calls out to her. Caecilia turns around and sees two heroes coming toward her.

 Caecilia turns around and sees two heroes coming toward her

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