The drug import situation

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Even though the Combine and the Admins have basically forced criminal activity under. The importation of drugs was high. How do we know this? The Combine have their ways. Either way, the Admins had to deal with this issue. The Combine were currently busy with some other domestic issues. 

The first step the Admins took was to construct a navy. They issued a request to the Japanese government to commander a naval dockyard. At first, they declined, but after some pressure, they agreed to give them a small dockyard. This was most likely to undermine the Admins in their work. What the Japanese government didn't expect, was that the dockyard was expanded heavily. And could rival the larger dockyards of Japan.

The first ship to leave the docks was the Argonaut class light cruisers. They were armed with ten 5-inch guns in 5 dual turrets. Along with 5 quad Bofors guns for Anti-Air defense. 

Next was the Allegiance class patrol boats

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Next was the Allegiance class patrol boats. They were armed with two 4-inch guns in a single turret at the front. In the mid-section of the hull were two sets of torpedo tubes on both sides. And on the back were depth charges.

And lastly was the Cyclone class submarine

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And lastly was the Cyclone class submarine. The Cyclone is armed with 16 torpedo tubes in the front. And three extra launchers on the bow of the ship. Along with 4 more torpedo launchers on both sides of the hull. And one more on the back of the ship. The Cyclone is also equipped with 16 missile launchers in the back. The deck gun is equipped with two 3-inch cannons in a single turret. On a section of the conning tower was a Type A(L) gun chambered in 3.7-inch, which acted as the AA gun. And lastly, there was a high-powered particle cannon in the back. 

These three ships were produced in small quantities because the Admins are not expecting the ships carrying drugs were being escorted

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These three ships were produced in small quantities because the Admins are not expecting the ships carrying drugs were being escorted. When first deployed, their missions were successful. In one battle, now known as the Battle for the Ocean's Surface, a Cyclone was able to intercept a medium-sized cargo ship that was 'supposedly' carrying domestic products. While in reality, they were carrying a large amount of quirk enhancing drugs. 

The battle started with the Cyclone opening up with the deck gun. The 3-inch guns had a shell equipped with a body full of high explosive, but the warhead itself was a squash head. The crew of the cargo ship were armed with some weapons. One of them even had an RPG-7. They fired an RPG round at the Cyclone, which hit it but did no damage. The Cyclone then submerged and that was when things started turning south. For the cargo ship, of course. 

The Cyclone opened up with a salvo of 16 torpedoes. They all hit the lowest parts of the cargo ship's hull and detonate. Ripping huge holes into the hull and making the ship list. The Particle cannon fired a blue beam of energy, which hit the ship's engine and made the room catch fire. Even after the cargo ship started to sink, the Cyclone had fired so many torpedoes that they started circling around the cargo ship. The sheer amount of them created a whirlpool. Which brought most of the crew down with the ship.

In the official report, the casualty rate was 100%. Not a single soul made it off the ship. The crew of the Cyclone were given a medal for firing more than a hundred torpedoes. Most of the heroes disliked the way the crew of the Cyclone acted and condemned them. But the Admins couldn't care less. And as a way to stick it to the heroes, they added two more torpedo tubes in the back. Both could fire a torpedo that was armed with an EMP warhead. Or, a decoy on a long rope. As well as an extra tube on both sides of the hull.

Another mission took place off the coast of Kochi. Several planes had been detected flying towards Japan and were not responding to hails made by Admins forces. Around this time, Froppy from U.A. was doing her internship with the Oki Mariner. They had never encountered the Admins until they saw a squadron of Argonauts firing at many aircraft in the air. Captain Selkie of the Oki Mariner hailed the Admins and asked what the hell they were doing. The response he got was that they were "Subduing the targets" as the aircraft fall to the ocean surface. When they did, Captain Selkie asked if he and his crew could take over, and the Admins happily agreed. Selkie did it because he feared that the Admins would continue firing at the downed planes. But in reality, the Admins would've captured the criminals and sent them to the Citadel. Where they would have been subjugated to an even worse fate. 

The report made by the captains of the Argonauts stated that they shot down 4 aircraft and there were only 2 casualties. No deaths. And the criminals were handed over to the Oki Mariner. But the report also stated that their AA guns were not good enough to shoot down the aircrafts, despite the advanced AI of the ships. So in response, Admin HQ ordered the players in the Aircraft Department to construct planes that could be fitted onto an aircraft carrier. 

Meanwhile, in the Naval Department, the engineers were working on some new ships. They also updated the guns on the Argonauts so that their main armament could engage aircraft. One of the newer ships were called the Asphodel. This ship was designed in response to high-flying and fast moving aircraft and fast moving ships. Even though only fast moving vessels have been encountered, the players believed that high-flying aircraft as well as fast moving aircraft would have a better chance at surviving AA fire.

The Asphodel is armed with two 9-inch guns in a single turret at the front. Behind the turret were several large missile pods. On the bottom of the bow and near the center were 8 torpedoes tubes designed to intercept enemy torpedoes. Near the rear are a large amount of missile pods. Just above the propellers were 4 large torpedo tubes which were equipped with not only a fragmentation body, but a high explosive and EMP body as well. And on the rear end of the deck was a triple blade helicopter called the Penguin. 

The next ship is a submarine called the BlackCurrent

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The next ship is a submarine called the BlackCurrent.

I'm not even going to say the armaments, but let's just say it has a crap load of torpedo and missile tubes

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I'm not even going to say the armaments, but let's just say it has a crap load of torpedo and missile tubes.

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